Chap.6 - What Do You Mean?

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Your P.O.V. 

The months went by so quickly that even the years flown by quickly.

Every day has been the same, which I'm quiet glad.

I go to school, talk with Su and her friends for a while, even though it feels like they are distancing from me everyday that passes.

Everyday I try if I could go eat lunch with Melon but they won't let me.

I will ask Melon if he would like to go to park with me, he agrees most days but when he can't it is alright.

Grandpa and Legosi will pick us up and we will all head hand in hand to the park.

Melon and I will meet at the usual park and just enjoy each others company.

I will talk to Mom about my day, play with Legosi and teach him some things that I learned that day from school.

When dinner time came around, I would help grandpa make dinner and Legosi helps setting the table.

It truly was peaceful and I loved it.

Which I was surprised, I was expecting the bullies to bother Melon but luckily it was only a few times and then stopped when they noticed that I had Melon's back.

I'm now 12, and almost ending my last year in elementary.

Legosi has grown so much, he is 7 and he is almost to my height.

"Did you guys see the new episode, last night, I still can't get over it", Yasmine said.

During these past three years, I've learned about Su's friends and how they are like.

Even though they have slowly distance themselves from me, recently they've been acting strange.

"I just can believe he had the guts to do it", Cassidy said squealing.

"Ne, (y/n), what did you think about it?", Su asked, she has been the only one that has been close, other then Melon of course.

"I couldn't watch it, I was busy help my brother and studying for the finals", I said taking a bit out of my food.

"We better stop talking about it then, we don't want to spoil anything to you, it was a rollercoaster",  Kate said giving me a smile.

I want to go home.

They continued to talk about other topics that I don't even know about.

I then heard a ding, I looked down to my phone and saw a message sent from Melon.

My heart flutter of just seeing him send me a message.

"Why so happy? Did you get some good news?", Su asked me, confused of why I am smiling to widely.

"It's nothing", I muttered as I typed back to Melon.

"I think that freak, sent her a message", Kate said looking over my shoulder.

"That freak, has a name", I snapped back.

"Geez, relax, we don't even know why you hang out with him so much?", she questioned me.

I felt my blood boil, I was mad for her ignores.

"I'm a hybrid, Su's a hybrid, he did nothing wrong, he is like you and m-"

"I can't believe it", she giggled and everyone was just looking down nervous or in disbelief.

"(y/n), I just can't believe that for 2 years, you still don't know", there were classmates staring at us to know what is happening.

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