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"okay first thing's first .. we have to name her," hyejin spoke, looking through the papers in the folder, "what should we name her?"

she enthusiastically gasped and jumped up in her seat before looking at jiung.

"what about jihye? like for jiung and hyejin," she suggested, but immediately became flustered at her own words, "o-or we don't have to do that .. we could do kiyah or something .."

"kiyah? i like that," jiung nodded.

"kiyah it is," hyejin replied, filling out the papers.

"kids," the teacher spoke, "now your baby will need milk and milk bottles, clothes, a stroller, and other baby necessities, but if you can't afford all of that, come to me and the school will provide you with it."

hyejin gasped and put her hand on jiung's wrist, tapping it, but pulling away once she noticed his stare on his wrist.

"sorry .."

"but we have to go shopping for all of this stuff. i'm pretty sure my mom still has my baby clothes though, so we could probably use those," she spoke, "when are you free?"


"i mean for the project .. when are you free?" hyejin asked.

"anytime," jiung shrugged.

"then can i have your number?" she asked once again, "for project purposes of course."

"here," jiung simply stated, handing her his phone.

then suddenly, the room became filled with baby cries, everyone freaking out, not knowing what to do.

as for kiyah, she cried, but hyejin's instincts made her carry kiyah in her arms, swaying the baby back and forth which eventually made kiyah stop crying.

"oh—" the teacher gasped, walking towards hyejin, "brownie points for that hyejin! you were able to calm your baby in a matter of seconds. well done."

seeing what hyejin was doing, the others began picking up their baby to sway it back and forth, but their babies only continued to cry.

the teacher let out a laugh and said, "well i guess hyejin and jiung were lucky to get an easily-calmed baby."

"so do you wanna come with me back home so we can check out what baby things my mom still has?" hyejin asked jiung, receiving a nod.

"hey mum," hyejin smiled as she walked into the house.

"hi sweetie .. oh— who's this?"

"this is jiung," hyejin introduced, "we're project partners."

jiung gave a shy smile and slightly bowed.

"well what are you kids doing here? and why are you carrying a naked doll?"

"do you still have my baby things? we're doing this baby project and need to treat it like a real baby," hyejin explained.

hyejin's mom gasped and smiled, "is this the day i get to go through your baby things without needing to have an excuse? just sit tight and i'll go grab everything."

once her mom left the living room, hyejin walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, asking jiung, "do you want something to drink?"

"i'm fine," he replied, shaking his head, "thanks."

"you're not much of a talker, are you?"

jiung shrugged, "i am. just not to you."

"oh .." hyejin mumbled, "well then."

"okay .. here is everything that i could find," hyejin's mom spoke.

seeing how her mom was struggling to carry the big box, jiung walked over to her and took it out of her hands before asking, "where do you want me to put it?"

"oh right by the couch is fine. thank you honey," hyejin's mom smiled.

"okay, let's see what we have here."

after spending almost an hour or two going through all of hyejin's old baby things, they found a decent amount of clothes and baby items for gia.

with two big bags of baby things in his hands while hyejin carried the kiyah, the two returned back to campus, dropping the things off at hyejin's dorm.

"there you are," giselle spoke once hyejin walked in, "juyeon is finally ho— oh .. jiung .."

hyejin looked at giselle then at jiung, feeling the awkward tension.

"oh jiung was just helping with the bags. i should've told you he was coming .. sorry," hyejin mumbled.

"no no. it's okay," giselle smiled.

"is that her?" a voice called out.

a fairly tall male walked into the living room next to giselle and smiled at hyejin, "hi, i'm juyeon, your other roommate. giselle has already told me so much about you."

hyejin let out a shy chuckle and smiled before juyeon's eyes looked over her shoulder. his smile faded and his eyes almost turned dark.


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