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"my dad," jiung began, "he's bad."

"he was um in a gang and i didn't think much of it. how he'd always dress in dark clothes and barely come home. when he did, his hands were always covered in blood," he continued, "gosh."

"juyeon, his brother, and i .. we were really close. we hung out with each other all the time and were a pack, but one day i went home with juyeon's brother and we went to my house. i didn't know my dad would be there, but he was and he was extremely drunk. he was out of it."

"he saw us walking in and suddenly got mad. he started throwing glass bottles at us and anything else he could find in sight," jiung explained, "all of that scared juyeon's brother and made him run out."

"we both ran out together because my dad was chasing us out the house. i guess he was filled with so much fear that juyeon's brother ran into the street and a car hit him."

jiung stayed silent while hyejin was taking everything in.

"he didn't make it," jiung shook his head, "not only did i lose a friend, juyeon lost his brother. and then of course my dad went to jail for the gang stuff and all. i just .. everything fell apart."

"and juyeon ended up taking it out on you because of your dad," hyejin mumbled, receiving a nod.

"so juyeon knows that you didn't actually do anything right?" she asked, receiving another nod.

"well .." she began, "what i think is that you're really strong for enduring all of this."

"i wish i could've met you earlier so that you could have some comfort," hyejin whispered, "i'm sorry."

"why are you apologizing?" jiung asked with a chuckle.

"well .. because you must've thought it was all your fault. juyeon's words probably got to you. and .."

jiung shook his head, "it is my fault. if i didn't bring juyeon's brother to my house, none of that would've happened."

"jiung," hyejin began, "it's not your fault. your dad's actions have nothing to do with you. you and your dad are two completely different people."

"your dad may have been a not so good dad and his actions weren't so good either," she continued, "but you're not that. you're smart. you have good intentions. you're mentally strong. and you're a pretty darn good dad to kiyah."

jiung smiled at hyejin's last sentence and looked at her arms that carried kiyah.

"there's so much more that distinguishes you from your dad."

"but i think you should get back to your dorm," hyejin stated, standing up in front of him, "you have a lot going on in your mind, so rest is what's best for you."

without a word, jiung stood up and grabbed his bag to walk beside hyejin.

"so much for studying together," hyejin sighed.

"sorry .. for ruining that," jiung apologized.

"it's fine," she smiled, "it wasn't such a bright idea to have the two of you together anyways."

then suddenly, kiyah began crying .. obnoxiously crying.

"gosh," jiung scoffed, "now she decides to cry her soul out."

"then i'll be on my way now okay?" hyejin smiled, standing on the outer side of jiung's dorm door.

before she could completely turn and walk away, jiung put his hand out and held onto her wrist, making her spin around.

he shook his head and looked down at his hand that was around her wrist.


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