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previously in chapter nineteen ...

"then i'll be on my way now okay?" hyejin smiled, standing on the outer side of jiung's dorm door.

before she could completely turn and walk away, jiung put his hand out and held onto her wrist, making her spin around.

he shook his head and looked down at his hand that was around her wrist.



"my roommates aren't here and .." he paused, "being alone isn't something i wanna do right now."

hyejin looked into his eyes, shocked that he'd say such a thing. then finally giving in to the desperation in his voice and expression, she nodded and whispered, "okay."

jiung stepped aside and allowed for hyejin to walk in. doing so, she took her shoes off and left them at the door.

because hyejin was carrying kiyah, jiung held her bag for her the entire way back, setting it on a chair.

"i'll be back," he spoke, "i'm just going to go wash up."

hyejin nodded before he walked away as she walked over to the couch and sat down, having kiyah resting in one arm while she took out her phone with her spare hand.

where are you?

are you safe?

is jiung okay? juyeon is
losing his literal mind
over the fact that you're
with jiung

if you don't come back
anytime soon, i might
lose my literal mind too.
juyeon won't shut his trap

yes i'm safe

i'm at jiung's dorm.
don't worry


like INSIDE his dorm?

well .. yes ..

am i supposed to be
outside of it ..

oh man

juyeon's soul is going
to orbit out of the planet

how's he holding up?

do you seriously need
me to answer that

but .. do you know what
he was talking about? i
think it was kinda out of
pocket for him to mention
such a sensitive topic

i'll tell you everything
when i get back. gtg



don't get too close and
do something you'll

i swear if jiung lays
one hair on you—

hyejin set her phone down beside her on the couch once she noticed jiung walking out of the bathroom wearing a large white shirt with sweatpants.

he sat beside her on the couch and leaned his head against the back piece of the couch, letting out a long sigh as he closed his eyes.

"if you're going to sleep, you should go into your room," hyejin softly spoke, "you'll be more comfortable."

"i can't sleep in there," jiung replied.

with his response, hyejin began thinking about the other time when jiung told her that he only slept when his roommates where moving around in the dorm.

"you can't sleep unless you know that someone's near you, can you?" she asked.

jiung simply nodded.

"well i don't want you sleeping in this position. it's uncomfortable," she stated, "go in your room and sleep. i'll be right outside the door."

"it'll be weird for you to just sit outside my door. what if my roommates come home and see you?" he asked, "you could come into my room instead."

"yah—" hyejin began, widening her eyes, "it'll be even weirder if i just sit in your room and stare at you while you sleep."

"just—" jiung sighed, standing up and taking her hand to walk into his room.

"you can sit on the chair by my desk or something," he stated, turning around to look at her, "please?"

"okay okay," she nodded, walking over to the chair with kiyah in her arms, "now go to sleep."

jiung got into his bed and pulled the covers up, folding his arms across his chest as he closed his eyes.

trying her best to do anything but look at jiung while he slept, she took a piece of blank paper from his desk and a pencil to begin scribbling her time away.

jiung tossed and turned all directions in his bed and when he faced hyejin, he watched her in silence.

"can't sleep?" she asked, continued to scribble.

jiung hummed in response, making hyejin put the pencil down and look back at him.

"why don't you put on a boring movie? it'd probably help you fall asleep. or you could put on some relaxing music," hyejin suggested.

"i don't wanna sleep," jiung whispered.

"then why are we in your room?"

"i didn't want you to leave."

"i won't," hyejin smiled in assurance.

"you have to promise."

"promise," she nodded.

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