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"absolutely not," hyejin shook her head, grabbing the control to turn off the tv, "i can't stand this."

since jiung couldn't sleep, the two went back outside into the living room and decided to watch a kdrama.

"i knew she was going to become a snake. i just saw it coming," she complained, "why would she go so far just because suho doesn't like her back? is she mentally okay?"

"obviously not," jiung replied.

"and .. seojun!" she exclaimed, bringing her hands to her face as she groaned, "he deserves so much better. he's so cute i might just die."

"what's cute about him?" jiung asked with a change in his voice.

hyejin shrugged, "what isn't cute about him? he's funny, talented, and caring. and just look at how he has to watch the girl he likes date his ex-friend from the sidelines. oh i feel sad."

"tch," jiung snickered, getting up to get water from the kitchen.

hyejin followed him and leaned against the kitchen counter while he drank water.

"you didn't eat today yet, right?" she asked.

jiung nodded, "but i'm not even—"

"so should i order pizza? chicken? what do you wanna eat?"

"i said i wasn't hungry."

"jiung's stomach says otherwise," she smiled as his stomach grumbled.

jiung sighed, "order whatever. i'll pay."

"no it's fine," hyejin shook her head, "i'll pay and you eat. so .. chicken? pizza? what?"

"chicken," jiung shrugged.

hyejin nodded and called a nearby chicken place to place her order before asking if they deliver on campus.

"perfect. okay, thank you," she smiled before hanging up.

"they said they'll give us a call when they're here. since they can't enter the gates, we have to go out and get it."

"it's $12.47," the delivery man stated.

"do you take card?" jiung asked.

"i'm paying with cash though," hyejin spoke.

"ah yes we do take card," the man nodded, taking out the card machine.

immediately, jiung slid the same matte black card through the swiper, making hyejin look at him.

"here you go," the man stated, handing them the bag of chicken, "enjoy."

"thank you," hyejin smiled before he walked away.

once the man was out of sight, hyejin gently hit jiung's arm and said, "i told you i was going to pay for it."

jiung shrugged in response when suddenly hyejin gasped, "KIYAH!"

"we left her in the dorm unsupervised," hyejin spoke, grabbing jiung's hand to begin running into the dorm building.

"hyejin, relax. she's probably—"

jiung paused when he saw juyeon and giselle walk toward them.

hyejin bit down on her lip and cursed herself for having to make all of this happen.

jiung watched as juyeon's eyes looked down at hyejin's hand that was holding onto his. seeing this, jiung subtly moved their hands to where they were intertwined before looking down at her and saying, "let's go."

hyejin looked back at him and nodded before the two walked past juyeon and giselle.

"do you need anything from the store?" giselle asked hyejin.

hyejin turned around, still not realizing that she was still holding jiung's hand as she smiled and shook her head, "i'm fine."

giselle nodded, "you'll be back for dinner right?"

"uh .. i'm eating with jiung, but i'll definitely be back later," hyejin nodded before they bid goodbye and left.

"gosh," hyejin whispered, "i know a lot happened, but can't you guys just forgive each other? all of this is making me anxious."

"does it look like i forgive people?"

hyejin looked at him and said, "you don't do emotions do you?"

jiung shrugged as they continued walking.

"you're really mentally strong, aren't you? wow," hyejin spoke, "earlier .. you weren't even showing much emotion."

"how'd you know?"

"how'd i know what?" hyejin asked.

"how'd you know what to do to help me calm down?"

"i just .. it just seemed like a panic attack .. or anxiety attack .. or something attack," hyejin replied, "one of my friends overseas would often have them, so i kinda knew what to do."

jiung stayed silent for a good bit before saying, "i get them sometimes, but i'm used to it now."

"when'd it start?"

"after the whole juyeon's brother thing," jiung replied.

hyejin looked at him while he kept his gaze forward, "that situation must've affected you a lot."

"you don't say," jiung sarcastically chuckled, "it was the starting point of my life going downhill."

"but then .." he began.

"but then?"

"i met you."

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