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"okay everyone!" the professor began, "you all have a long five day break, but keep in mind that you have exams right when you come back."

"so take this break as a time to relax or study. it's up to you how you manage your time, but remember that these exam scores are 40% of your final gpa, so don't slack off okay? i want you to do well. we all want you to do well."

as the professor continued to talk for the last few minutes of class, hyejin couldn't help but notice how jiung was completely asleep.

though he looked adorable, she looked past that and saw dark bags under his eyes.

"okay, class dismissed."

everyone in the class began to leave one by one, but before she left, hyejin packed jiung's things for him and put them in his bag before tapping him to wake up.

"jiung," she spoke, "class is over."

"i'm up," he replied, sitting up straight.

"i know you are," she laughed, "come on."

he sighed and stood up, following hyejin out the class.

"we have exams after this break, but you've been sleeping through this class, so how are you gonna know what to study?" she asked.

"pick a number from 1 to 4," he stated.

"what? why?"

"just pick a number," he snickered.


"then i'll pick the second answer choice for everything," jiung stated.

hyejin kept her gaze forward and stayed quiet, not knowing if this was the time to blush or tell jiung that he should study and try his best.

"you paid attention to class right?" jiung asked.

"of course i did," hyejin nodded.

"then .. how about helping me study?" jiung suggested, suddenly putting his face in front of hyejin's with a smile.

hyejin came to an abrupt stop as she chuckled in disbelief, "look at you only smiling when you want something."

"so is that a yes? will you help me?"

hyejin sighed, "sure."

"okay!" jiung cheered, putting his fists in the air.

the two continued to walk through the hallways, realizing that people were whispering about them.

"i can't believe i'm going to spend my five day break tutoring you," hyejin sighed again, "let's make a deal. i help you study for the history exam since that's the class you sleep through right?"

"right," jiung nodded.

"and you'll help me with math. how does that sound?"

"sounds like a deal," jiung nodded.

"you better keep your word," hyejin stated, looking up at him with a finger pointed towards him.

"do i not look trustworthy?"

"i didn't say that," hyejin shook her head, "but we have to make a schedule or something."

"you're joking right?"


"i like making a schedule for myself so that i could keep myself in check," she added, "but before that .."

she stopped speaking and held jiung's wrist, pulling him away.

"hey— where are you taking me now?" jiung groaned.

"the cafeteria," hyejin stated as they walked into the cafeteria, "you're gonna eat lunch with me."

"i told you—"

"i know what you told me, but it's unhealthy that you're skipping almost every meal. we're gonna change that now."

once the two got their food, they brought their trays to a table and began eating together.

"are you sure your roommates are okay with watching kiyah today?" hyejin asked.

jiung had forgotten kiyah at his dorm and asked his roommates to take care of her for the day, so that he wouldn't have to run back and get her.

jiung nodded, "my roommates are chill, so i don't think they care."

"wow it's like everyone around you is the complete opposite of you," hyejin chuckled.

"the people you hang out with seem nice and like i don't know .. more extroverted," she added.

"and i seem mean and introverted?"

"no," hyejin shook her head, "you're not mean. i don't think you're mean. you just seem closed off and less talkative, so you come off as a little cold."

"so is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"i think of it as a good thing," hyejin shrugged, "because if you seem closed off and uninteresting at first, when people actually get to know you, BOOM!"

jiung's eyes widened at hyejin's "boom" as she continued to talk, "your charm gets to explode like a volcano, you know?"

"uh i think you're a little too excited about this," jiung stated, making hyejin chuckle.

"i'm just trying to say that i think you're a really interesting person, but i just haven't gotten to see that side of you yet," hyejin smiled, "you just give off a really cool aura."

"like that aura of the male lead in a kdrama. rich and seemingly cold, but also sweet, adorable, and lovable once people get to know the real you," she added.

"so are you saying you could fall in love with me?"

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