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it had been a week after exams and the rankings and grades would be revealed today.

jiung proudly walked away from the teacher with his exam in his hand, walking towards hyejin with a bright smile.

"what does that mean?" she asked with a smile.

he unfolded his test and showed her his grade.

"a 97?" she asked, her eyebrows lifted.

"the only times i studied was with you and i still got a 97," he smiled, "there were some questions that i didn't know, so i guessed the second answer choice for them and i got them right."

"wow some luck you have," hyejin smiled.

"it's almost like you're my good luck," he whispered, bringing his face next to her ear.

while all of this was happening between the two, everyone in the class stared at the two, whispering about them.

giselle and hyejin were sitting at a table, eating lunch together when jiung came and sat next to hyejin, setting a tray down on the table.

hyejin gasped, "are you really going to eat?"

jiung shrugged in response.

"i've got a question," she began, setting her chopsticks down, "did you choose the second answer choice because—"

"yes," jiung nodded.

"you didn't even know what i was gonna say," hyejin complained.

"yes, dear. i chose the second answer because you said your favorite number was 2," jiung spoke, looking at hyejin with an overly forced smile, "happy?"

"i .. i wasn't even going to ask that," hyejin replied, flustered at his words.

"then what were you gonna say?" jiung asked, giving hyejin all of his attention.

"i .. ugh," she groaned, softly hitting his arm, "you made me forget."

"why do you always hit my arm?"

"because your arm is fun to hit."

"you're hurting my arm."

"as if i'm even hitting it hard," she snickered.

"you are hitting it hard!"

"then i'll hit my arm next time. happy?"

"no," jiung stated, "don't do that. you're gonna hurt yourself."

hyejin looked at jiung, her irritated expression changing as she melted at his words.

giselle cleared her throat, "earth to hyejin, jiung. guys, i'm still here. don't do this in front of me. i'm losing my appetite."

"then don't eat," jiung stated.

"don't tell her that," hyejin stated, giving him a look of disapproval before turning to giselle and smiling, "eat all you want. have some of mine too."

giselle gave jiung a teasing smile and stuck her tongue out at him, making him scoff.

jiung rested his arm on the back of giselle's chair and looked at her saying, "you're supposed to be taking care of me and telling me to eat more. giselle can take care of herself."

"you can too," hyejin laughed, "why are you suddenly being a baby?"

"do you like giselle more than me?" jiung asked, being overly dramatic.

"who said she ever liked you?" giselle asked.

"i wasn't asking you," jiung snickered before looking at hyejin, "do you like me?"

"do you?" giselle asked, looking at hyejin with a teasing smirk.

"i do," hyejin gulped.

"i like you too," jiung simply stated before looking back at giselle.

"see, she likes me."

"d-did .. you two just .. confess—" giselle paused, bringing a hand over her mouth before screaming.

"giselle, stop it," hyejin whined, "people are staring."

"wait wait wait," giselle spoke, "does this mean .. the two of you are .. dating?"



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