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"jiung, watch true beauty with me, will you?"

jiung sighed from the kitchen and walked over to the couch to sit right beside hyejin.

"but if i fall asleep, you can't leave," jiung stated.

"i won't. i promise," she smiled.

"the last time you did, you broke your promise," jiung mumbled.

"well should i have stared at you while you were asleep? and your roommates were already home, so i didn't want to interrupt their privacy," hyejin explained.

"but i wanted to see you when i woke up."

hyejin smiled and let out a deep breath before putting a pillow on her lap and patting it, "okay okay. come sleep. i promise you'll see me when you wake up this time. i won't leave."

it had been about a month into their relationship and no one knew about it, deciding that keeping it a secret was the best thing to do for now.

once jiung placed his head on the pillow and put his body out on the couch, he closed his eyes and tried his best to sleep while hyejin watched the drama.

midway through the episode she was watching, she looked down at jiung to see him sound asleep.

smiling to herself, she used her fingers to softly brush his hair away from his face before admiring his features.

jiung opened his eyes and took a bit to adjust to the lights before he noticed that hyejin was also fast asleep.

moving his arm upwards to reach for the control, he turned off the tv and grabbed a hold of hyejin's hand that was resting on his lower chest.

caressing his hand with his thumb for a while, he decided to get up and let hyejin sleep comfortably, trying to gently move her body out on the couch.

doing so made hyejin open her eyes.

"sorry for waking you, princess," jiung whispered, "do you still wanna sleep?"

hyejin held onto his hand and gave a nod before closing her eyes again.

"wait, since you're slightly awake, do you wanna get up and go sleep in my room?" he asked softly, "let's go."

as she stood up, she clung onto jiung's arm, her head resting against it as they walked into his room.

"sleep well okay?" he smiled after pulling the covers up for her, "i'll be outside."

"stay with me," hyejin mumbled half asleep, patting the spot on the bed beside her.

as she felt the bed dip, she rolled over to get closer to jiung. he gently lifted her head and let it rest on his arm while he wrapped his other arm around her.

hyejin's face was in his chest, but there was still enough room for her to breathe. jiung's head rested above hers as he also began to fall into a deep sleep.

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