A Hero's Journey

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He took my hand into his, carefully rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. He looked to me, a gentle smile painted over his lips. I sighed, before smiling back with teary eyes. His hand drifted to my face, and gently, he wiped my glassy orbs.

"Nobody said this was going to be easy..." He murmured to me. I let out a tiny laugh, and brought my knees to my chest.

"Nobody said it would be this hard either..." His smile slowly began to drop, and he shook his head.

"Y/n... Look at me...." He lifted my chin, and I sniffled deeply.

"Forget about that... I'm here..." He whispered. I blinked a few times, tears slipping down my cheeks.

"I'm here" He repeated. I stayed perfectly still for just a moment. A figure of glass that would shatter at the slightest bend, before I threw myself into his arms. I sobbed into his chest, clutching his shirt tightly while holding onto him. A bit surprised at first, he tensed up. He relaxed, and entangled his fingers in my tousled H/c locks.

"It's okay, Y/n.... It's okay" He whispered, pulling me closer to him. With unsteady breaths, and unfocused vision, I continued to cry into his chest. Weeping, with what felt like the burden of 10,000 issues. He rubbed my back, and shook his head, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

The area was illuminated by the moon and it's inviting rays, which were cast upon the earth to light our figures. Each star gleamed in the sea of darkness that was the night sky. And after a while, my heart synced up with his. He carefully instructed me to breathe with him.

"In... and out..." His words came out in a soft murmur, one filled with love, and kindness. Understanding. I followed his example, and leaned into his now soaked shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." My gaze drifted down to the blades of grass beneath us. He held me closer.

"Don't be." He told me in a hushed voice. I nodded slowly, closing my eyes and blinking my last tears, giving his chest a tight squeeze.

He went back to brushing his fingers through my hair, before humming a melody from his native lands.

"Y/n... I want you to know something, okay?" I let him know I was listening, by faintly nodding. He smiled affectionately.

"You're my hero..." He pulled me away from his shoulder, and softly kissed my nose.

"And No hero's journey is easy. That's why they're the hero. They want to help for a reason."

"That's... so sweet..."

"It's only truth. Forever and always."





beEN a while-

11 days-

and some hours-

but uh...

here's this special I thought up-

I didn't write down your S/O (significant other) in this scenario, because I wanted to leave it up to you

It can be any character you imagine-

America, Russia, Germany, etc etc blah blah

But uhh...


Thank you so much, for all the support and shit

I love you all so much

And.... Having you here makes it a little better

I'm sorry chapter 18 isn't out yet-

I've hit a bit of a road block-

I can't seem to get past this one specific part-


But uh...

Happy New Year!

Everyone take care, okay?

Take it easy...

For me.

Word count - 420

(i did that on purpose, you're welcome)


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