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I silently crept from Russia's room, doing my best to not wake anyone up in my daring escape. For some odd reason, I could be compared to a teenager trying to leave the house at midnight. Perhaps it was because I feared getting scolded by Britain. I shrugged to myself. He wanted me to sleep, but I just wake up early... 

Waking up late makes me feel unproductive anyways.

I slid into my room, shutting the door as quietly as I could. I sighed when the door clicked shut. I tip-toed over to my bed, before flopping onto the plush mattress. I went over what happened in my head multiple times. It's not like I actually expected him to kiss me. It just flew out of my mouth, I wasn't thinking. 

I shook my head, trying to shake off the embarrassment. 

Just... go to sleep, Y/n.... 

I swept my hair to the side, and closed my eyes. 

The crackling fire of my consciousness blew out, leaving me to rest. 


I woke up to someone slamming my door into the floor. 

" YY/NN!!!!! " I leap up from my spot on my bed, pulling out the revolver I have hidden in my bed drawers. 


I waved my arms around, alert and ready. 

America fixed his sunglasses. 

" I came to tell you that lunch is ready- " 

My arms fell. 

" what. " 

" Lunch is done! " He smiled energetically at me. 

I put my gun away. 

" Are you fucking kidding me? You woke me up, broke my fucking door, only to tell me there's food?! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!? " I shouted at the American, who flinched, and smiled nervously. 

Japan appeared in the doorway, beginning to snicker as I chewed America out. When I thought he got what he deserved, I shooed him out of my room. I put the door back mostly, just so nobody could see me changing. 

" AMERICA YOU'RE FUCKING PAYING FOR THIS!!! " I called out to the male, who gave a Yes Sir in reply. I removed all of my clothes, and put on fresh ones. When I walked downstairs, I was already in a sour mood. 

" Y/n, how did you sleep last night? " Russia spoke to me, while lingering around a doorway. 

" I slept just fine, and I would have slept longer if FUCKING AMERICA DIDN'T BREAK MY DAMN DOOR DOWN!!!! " Russia snorted, and covered his mouth to hide his laughter. 

I swear to god I will behead someone- 

" Do you want some pancakes? " Canada piped in, holding a plate that carried a wonderful aroma. I smelled them, and instantly lightened up. 

" Here's some maple syrup too! " 

" Canada, you're literally an angel, I love you right now, so much more than your brother. " 

Canada chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Were my words that flattering? Oh well. I scarfed down half the plate in an instant, my mouth watering at the amazing taste. 

I sat down, and finished off my pancakes. All worries of my broken door long forgotten at this point. 

America gasped in fake hurt. 

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