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Is that my alarm? God it's so annoying... 

I opened my eyes to darkness, only illuminated by my ringing alarm. Speaking of said alarm I needed to turn off before it drove me insane, I reached to turn it off, also deciding to turn on my lamp. I jumped out of bed, striding happily to my closet. 

Today is going to be a great day! 

I mentally cheered, while I grabbed my work uniform. I walked into my bathroom. My hair was all tangled, and messy. I hopped in the shower, relaxing at the warm water. My shoulder began to sting, eventually growing into a burning pain.

Ouch... That hurts lots.  

I grit my teeth, grasping the shampoo bottle. My shoulder started to throb, and eventually bleed. 

I got out of the shower. 

I dried out my body, seeing that my shoulder was still bleeding. 


Vivid images of people entered my mind. Voices whirled, and echoed at different times. I went on with my preparations, thinking it was part of some wild dream I had. 

I threw on my uniform, grabbing my phone and keys. I passed my hallway mirror. I decided to check into it. After all, I didn't want to look like I just rolled out of bed. 

My reflection stared back at me, bruised and bloodied. The mirror broke into 5. 


I ignored it, and walked out the door. When I reached the outside, the world was a little bit darker than I remember. Probably just the morning though. It is coming towards the beginning of November. The trees waved in the wind, blowing the Autumn leaves toward me. The fresh air smelled of Lavender. Slightly medicinal. The sky wasn't all too clear, but it probably wasn't going to rain either. 

I counted the minutes as they went by. 1... 2... 3


I felt pressure in my hand. I didn't pay any mind to it. 

The leaves spiraled around me. A small skip in my step, I continued on my way. I found a small music box. I wound it up. Hearing it play brought me happiness. I kept it with me, while I turned onto a different street. 

The clouds covered the sun, casting an easy shade. The music box rang out, bouncing off the buildings, and resounding into the empty streets. I turned another corner. The street became black. But I didn't mind. The music box kept me at ease. 

I think I went the wrong way...

I turned around. More darkness. I didn't mind. 

I kept going the way I was going, finding more nothing. 

Почему ты зaщитил меня?!

I was starting to get worried. I was alone. I looked down at my shoes. They weren't the ones for my uniform anymore. The music box stopped playing. 

It was quiet. I hated how quiet it was. I wandered aimlessly in the dark, only to trip and drop the music box. 

I brushed off my knees. 

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