~300 Reads Special~

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Okay, so I know nobody really asked for this... But I am posting a special to celebrate 300 reads. I am so, honestly here, astonished that you guys decided to read my story. I started it about a week ago, and I wasn't expecting this many reads... I-.... Thank you guys so much! 

Also I am posting this so you guys have something to read while you wait for the voting to end, eheh... 

Tempus est ticking. Quod est horologium currit. Quattuor dies manent.Ad arbitrium tuum est

Anyways, on with the one shot?

Warning: Contains blood

America x Hanahaki! Male Reader x Russia


I gripped the sides of the bathroom counter top, staring into the sink. Bloodied petals rested in the center. I had a thing called Hanahaki... Which was a disease for "one-sided love". The sufferer in this case, coughs up their crushes' favorite flower. If the victim wins the heart of their crush, they are cured. If they get rejected, then... I actually don't know. Hanahaki is a rare disease after all. Which meant there were two options. 

One. I keep coughing up these petals. 


Two. I confess my feelings.

There was only one issue... I didn't know how to confess. I didn't even know how to save myself. The worst part was, I didn't know if my crush was even gay. I cried softly, hiccuping a few rose petals.

They were always his favorite...

" Y/N?! Are you okay? You've been in there for a while... " My best friend, Russia. I didn't want him to see the mess I've made in here.

I was about to reply, when I started coughing again. This time was much different than any other fit though. Thorns poked at my throat, while I felt more than just petals. It hurt.... So much... I finally hacked it up, leaving a rose in the sink. Saliva and blood covered it, and Russia burst the door open. The bathroom was covered in rose petals, and blood. So much blood.

" Oh god... Y/n why didn't you tell me... " His eyes were filled with tears. I shook my head.

" I don't want to bother you.... " A few more petals flew from my mouth.

" You're literally dying!! Y/n this is serious! You wouldn't be bothering me if you were dying!!! " Russia grabbed my shoulders, more tears spilling from my eyes. I fell into his arms, sobbing loudly.

" Russia, I don't want to die... But I don't know how to tell him.... What if he rejects me? What if- "

Russia silenced me, and picked me up. I clung to him in despair.  

" Russia...what can I possibly say to America? ... " He pecked my tear-stained cheek.

" У тебя все будет хорошо, обещаю. Ты не умрешь. " ( You will be fine, I promise. You will not die. )

I blushed a deep shade of crimson. It was just an act of comfort.

" I'll tell America to meet you at the park. " Russia looked almost... sad. I grabbed a hold of his hand. But what I failed to notice was the pink growing on his cheeks.

" Russia... I....I want you to be there with me... "


We said we would meet America at the park, while I waited anxiously. I could feel coughs scratching at my throat. I stood against a tree, facing away from Russia. 

I let out two small coughs, finding a petal. I looked to Russia, trying to see if he noticed. Looking at his face reminded me of the small kiss on my cheek. 

Does he like me? I mean... I can't lie, I've always thought he was kinda cute...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by America himself. His goofy grin brought a smile to my own. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and I opened my mouth to speak. I covered my mouth quickly after. I felt myself shake each time I coughed. America looked confused.

" Are you okay? " 

" I- " My body was filled with pain. I looked down at my hands. 


Russia was by my side in an instant, aiding me. America was worried, but was trying his best to help me. I hacked up another rose. 

" What's going on with him!? " America shouted, holding his head frantically.

" He has Hanahaki!! But I haven't seen it to this extent! " Russia said in a panic, rubbing circles into my back.

" America.... I want you to know something okay...? "

America nodded swiftly.

" I like you... And I think Russia too... Both of you have been there in my toughest times... And... I... " My lungs were burning. I felt dizzy... America hugged me, crying himself.

" Y/n please don't die... I love you! I love you so much! I love you! "

My head hurts so bad. 

" Y/n... I love you мой подсолнух.... We can get through this... Hold on... Please... "

I blacked out. 


I woke up to a white room. It was blinding at first. I wasn't at the park anymore. A sleeping Russia sat to my right. He's so cute when he's asleep...

America was looking out the window on my left. I made a small noise to catch his attention. He turned his head towards me. 

" OH GOD Y/N YOU'RE AWAKE!!!! " He jumped off the windowsill, and tenderly held my hand. I gave a weak smile. Russia was startled awake by America's shout, but was already gently holding my other.

" подсолнух you've been out for 5 hours.... How do you feel? "

I thought about it, and yawned.

" Tired... But happy I am stuck with you two idiots. How much sleep did you guys get while I was out? "

America and Russia looked at each other.

" We took turns watching after you... "

They said in sync, making me shake my head.

" You guys are adorable idiots... Thank you... "

" Of course... " America smiled. Russia gave him a death glare.

" Не смотри на него так. Он мой. " Russia spat, or... At Least I think he did. I don't know much Russian unfortunately... I'm going off of expressions here.

" As if. " America scowled, baring his canines.

" Don't fight! Whatever you guys are talking about, I'm sure we could figure out a compromise! " I desperately cried out. They turned to me, before looking back at each other.

" Maybe we could share... " Russia muttered, taking his seat right next to me. America pulled up a chair.

" Maybe we could... "

I sighed in relief before squealing. Two pairs of lips planted themselves onto my neck. My face went through a gradient of red. 

" What's the matter Y/n?~ " America purred right next to my ear, even going as far as to nibble on my ear lobe. I pushed both of their faces away.

" W-We're at the hospital y-you two... " I crossed my arms.

" Oops. " Russia shrugged, while snickering.

What am I going to do with you two... 

( Word count- 1198 )

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