Chapter 1, The first experience

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Before you start reading, here's something you should know.

I changed their ages for the AU so don't come at me with things like ''that character is not that old/young.''  

(also, please don't say things like you can't change their ages in AU's, bc if that's so I could immediately delete the whole story and I'm kinda proud of it ;-;)

There might be some bad grammar and spelling, please lmk if there are any annoying mistakes 

Now you can start reading -w-

On a dark cold Friday night, a short orange haired boy sat all alone in an alley. It was raining and there was no one else around. The boy got up and looked around. He was soaking wet and didn't have anywhere to go.''Are you lost?'' A tall black haired guy stopped as he passed by. ''No, I just don't have anywhere to go,'' the boy replied. ''You can come with me if you want to,'' the guy smirked, but as the boy looked his way he put on a sweet smile. ''Who are you?'' the boy asked. ''I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, what's your name?'' ''Hinata, Hinata Shoyo.'' Hinata didn't know if he could trust this random stranger he had just met, but at the moment he had no one else to turn to. ''I really have to go now so if you wanna come with me just follow me,'' Kuroo grabbed his phone and left. At first Hinata didn't follow. Kuroo went to his car and grabbed his car key from his pocket. Just as Kuroo starts the car he sees Hinata running towards him. He opens the door and sits down on the passenger seat. Hinata fell asleep in the car a few minutes later. He wakes up from the sound of loud police sirens.''What's that noise?'' he asks, rubbing his eyes. ''Oh, don't worry, it's just some police cars chasing us.'' Hinata was shocked by what Kuroo said. ''Police cars?! Who are you anyways?'' Hinata stuttered. ''I'm a mafia boss, didn't I tell you yet?'' Hinata softly shaked his head. ''Oh, well, now you know.'' Hinata looked back. The bright lights of the police cars almost blinded him. Then, Kuroo started driving faster. ''Those police cars are really fast nowadays. I gotta get rid of them somehow.'' Hinata still didn't know what happened while he was asleep, but he was too shocked to ask anything at that moment. Kuroo tried to shake off the police, but none of his tricks worked. ''Hinata, can you call Kenma for me to ask for a bit back up?'' Kuroo gave Hinata his phone. Hinata went to contacts and looked up Kenma. Kenma answered the call immediately. ''What's the matter?'' ''We need a little back up, the police are chasing us,'' Kuroo replied to Kenma. ''What do you mean with 'us'? Is there someone else with you? I thought you would go alone.'' Hinata's hands were shaking, but he tried not to drop the phone. Kuroo suddenly turned to the left and Hinata dropped Kuroo's phone.''Oh, sorry, I should've warned you.'' Hinata grabbed the phone again. ''I'll be there in a minute, Yaku is coming as well,'' Kenma said as he hung up. Hinata gave Kuroo his phone back. ''By the way, how old are you, Hinata?'' Kuroo asked, hoping he could distract Hinata, who kept turning around looking at the police cars. ''14,'' Hinata replied, but he was not really distracted from what was happening. A while later another car suddenly drove next to Kuroo's car. "Ah, Kenma and Yaku are finally here," Kuroo said. Hinata looked aside and saw a guy with light brown hair driving in the car next to them. "What are we going to do now?" the guy asked, opening his window. ''If you can distract the police, I'll drive back to the hide-out with Hinata. You probably know how to get rid of the police, right Yaku?'' Kuroo asked. ''Of course, but who is that Hinata guy?'' ''I ran into him in an alley, I'll explain later," Kuroo said. Hinata was sitting a little low, so Yaku didn't see him properly. "Okay, Kenma and I will be at the hide-out in 5 minutes." The brown haired guy closed his window and turned right. Kuroo turned to the left. Most of the police cars followed Kenma and Yaku, but one police car kept chasing Kuroo and Hinata. Kuroo got a little pissed and suddenly stopped. He got out, and said:''Wait here and don't look back.'' A few seconds later, Hinata suddenly heard a gunshot. He looked back frightened and saw the police officer, dead on the floor. Hinata was frightened and tears started falling down. Kuroo went back in the car and saw Hinata trying to hide his tears. ''I'm sorry you had to see that so soon. Let's go now.'' Kuroo started the car and drove to a huge building in the middle of nowhere. He parked the car in the large garage and got out. Hinata remained seated, still in shock after what just happened. "Come on, I'll get you some dry clothes since yours are soaked." Hinata then took off his seat belt and got out as well. Kuroo walked him to the living room and told him to wait there while he went to get some dry clothes. Kuroo walked away and Hinata sat on one of the sofas. It was completely silent in the living room. the sounds of the rain and the wind outside calmed Hinata a bit. Then suddenly two guys walked in. Hinata recognized one of the guys, the light brown haired guy from earlier.''Who is that? Is that the 'Hinata' that Kuroo was talking about?'' the brown haired guy asked. ''I guess so, but where is Kuroo anyways?'' The guys both walked towards Hinata. At that moment, Kuroo enters the room with dry clothes for Hinata. He gave the clothes to Hinata and took him to a room where he could change. Hinata changed quickly, but waited a little longer in the room. He doubted whether he should try to escape, because he doesn't trust Kuroo anymore. ''Are you almost done, Hinata?'' he heard Kuroo ask.''Yes, almost,'' he replied. Hinata decided not to escape, because he's afraid of what Kuroo would do if he failed to escape. He went back to the living room, wearing oversized clothes. Kenma and Yaku were whispering something, but Hinata didn't hear what they said. 

That was the first chapter, I hope you liked it :)

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