Chapter 4, Breaking News

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''An unknown boy has suddenly disappeared in *** street. Local residents claimed that they saw the boy sitting in their street every day and they yesterday suddenly noticed that he was gone. Police said there was a mafia group on that same street yesterday as well. The mafia group escaped after being chased by police for a while and the police suspect they took the boy with them.'' Hinata immediately turned off the tv. He got up, turned off the light, and went back to the bed. The police were seriously looking for him. He felt bad about that because it was his own choice to go with Kuroo. He did want to escape most, but he didn't want the police looking for him. Meanwhile, Tsukishima was brought to a big room with a long table in the middle, so Tsukishima assumed it was some sort of conference room. He sat down on one of the chairs, with a pout on his face. ''What do you want from me? I understand why you took Hinata, but why me too?'' Tendo, who walked into the room and sat down on the chair next to Tsukishima, said: "Why do you think we took you?" Tsukishima didn't answer. ''I'll be honest with you. We first planned to take only Hinata, but when one of our spies heard that you are quite important to Kuroo, we decided to bring you too, simple as that.'' Tsukishima was surprised. Not because he apparently wasn't actually supposed to be here in the first place, but because he was apparently important to Kuroo. He didn't notice much of that, because he was never involved in important things. Tendo realized that. "Don't worry, you're more important to us than Kuroo, even though he may say that's different." Tsukishima knew Tendo wanted to try and get him to join their group. ''Semi, take him to the room wherever Hinata is,'' said Tendo. a tall guy with a thin face and blond hair with dark tips. Despite his scary appearance he acted friendly. When Semi and Tsukishima entered the room where Hinata was, they found him sleeping in the middle of the large bed. "You'll have to share the room with him," Semi emphasized, locking the door again. Tsukishima walked over to the bed. Hinata trembled in his sleep, but Tsukishima realized it wasn't because it was cold. Hinata wasn't actually sleeping, probably because he was scared. As Tsukishima sat down on the bed next to Hinata, Hinata sat up. His stomach rattled. Tsukishima gave him a piece of candy, which he happened to have in his pocket. It didn't help much, but Hinata was happy with it. Hinata felt a little more at ease now that Tsukishima was with him again. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come and get us," Tsukishima said to calm Hinata. Then Tsukishima saw the remote, which was on the floor. It seemed to be broken. ''What happened to that?'' He asked Hinata. ''I turned on the TV, but it was on breaking news and they were talking about me, so I accidentally dropped the remote.'' ''How old are you by the way?'' asked Tsukishima, hoping to start a conversation to distract Hinata a bit. He used the same tactic Kuroo always used to distract him. ''I'm 14, how about you?'' ''18 and I'm almost turning 19,'' Tsukishima replied. Hinata yawned a lot. ''I'm going to sleep,'' said Tsukishima, walking to the wardrobe to look for another pair of pajamas. Hinata wrapped himself in the thick warm blanket and slid aside a little so that Tsukishima could lie next to him. It was very cold, so they were lucky to have a thick blanket. ''Are you keeping the blanket to yourself?'' Tsukishima asked Hinata, who was hidden in the blankets. Hinata got out of the blankets so Tsukishima could get under them too. 30 minutes later Hinata was still pretending to be asleep so that Tsukishima wouldn't worry about him, because he just couldn't manage to fall asleep. The next morning Tsukishima and Hinata were awakened early by Tendo. "Wakey wakey!" He unlocked the door and walked in on Tsukishima and Hinata, who both got out of bed, annoyed and tired. Hinata thought that he should act less anxious. He was 14, but acted like a 10 year old child. He shouldn't act so scared. Hinata took a deep breath and searched for a nice outfit in the wardrobe. Tendo had already left, but had left the door open. "Tsukki, are we going to escape or are we waiting for Kuroo?" Hinata whispered. "I don't think we can escape them that easily, we'll wait." Hinata nodded and put on the outfit he had found. Unfortunately, everything in the wardrobe was too big for him, so he had to deal with the oversized outfit he found. Hinata and Tsukishima left the room and searched for the others. ''Good morning,'' said a tall guy with a face mask and black gloves. The guy bended down to Hinata's level. ''These clothes are a bit too big, aren't they?'' he said giggling. Hinata pouted, while trying to keep his pants up, because he didn't find a belt in the wardrobe. "By the way, I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi, but you can call me Omi. That's what my friends call me." Sakusa smiled at Hinata, but his smile disappeared as he saw Tsukishima's grumpy glance. Sakusa turned his head back to Hinata, took off one of his gloves and rubbed Hinata's soft orange hair. At that moment Tendo came walking towards them. "What are you doing, Omi-kun?" he said when he saw Sakusa rubbing Hinata's hair. ''His hair is just so soft,'' said Sakusa as he pulled his hand back and put his glove back on.

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