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Not fully edited-
Before Thomas could hit Gally he got stopped by slightly smaller boy that went in front of him.
"(Y/N), let the Greenie go."
"I wont. I don't care what you did in the past, here we take care and look out for eachother. If you want to fight go somewhere else. I saw too much blood and I don't wont to see more if I had to choose.. I get that you're all hurt, but you need to somehow move past it and concentrate on the present."
The group was shoocked- they didn't expected it for sure.
Stepping out of the way (Y/N) pull out some ripped papers with instructions out of his pocket. Handing them to some men and women, each time he nooded his head making the crowd go mind their own business.
"What are you all doing here anyway?" Gally asked looking at old 'friends'.
"WICKED got Minho." first one to speak was Frypan.
Y/n took off his mask making a few h/c locks fall on his face but still everyone could see the rosed brow. Gallys big hand came to his forehead taking the hair out of his (E/C) eyes. "You need a way in. You know its nearly impossible." all of them nooded knowing how hard it will be- but they didn't care, they won't left Minho with them.
-----------------------------------------------------------Teresas voice called Thomas- he run to her. Minho, Brenda, Gally and Frypan stood shoocked and broken by the sight of Newt- their friend with a knife in his chest.....
Soon they heard footsteps aporaching really fast. (Y/N) run in between the boys, breathing hard when his knees meet the dirt ground. Not waisting any time (H/C) haired boy bend down checking the pulse of the lying boy, with a smooth move he pulled a neddle with serum and stab it next to the bloody area gaving him all that was inside it. He didn't take the knife worried about letting the boy pass away out of blood loss.
Noone stopped him knowing he couldnt worsen the state of the former glader.
Blue veins started to fade as Newt gained natural colour on his skin, eyes came back from black to warm chocolate ones as he groaned.
"Don’t move, I'll need to see how far that knife went, then patch you up." teens around him couldnt get how he was so stoic while they freaked out both mentally and physically.
"Find something we can put your friend on so he wont move and die from the knife." two boys fastly began to serach for anything that was big enough and wont break from all the body weight.
Brenda at this time come up to (Y/N) and Newt. "How can I help?"
"Hold his head and talk to him but don't ask questions, seeing familliar face will take down stress he's feeling now, but don't let him talk." the girl know what he meant and do as she was told.
Boys soon came back with big metal board. "What do we do now?" Minho asked still holding the board. "We'll need to carefully place him on it but first call others to be ready for us and get my bag from the couch in the corner, that way I'll be able to patch him up." Gally did as his lover said without speaking his words just nood of his head.
"Ok.. Take a girp on him. On three. One, two, three!"
Voice come out the walkie talkie sygnaling them they could go safelly to the jet.
After everyone went in the flying machine they got some time before rescuing Thomas and Teresa. All eyes were on (Y/N) that looked for stitches and neddle. "I got the serum out of my blood, there was a time when I was alone and gotten biten by crank. I haven't turned being immute, deciding to experiment on it since I though I'll be dead sooner or later. First attempts was failed but then I could see something change in this things I had trapped and gave them different portion of my blood. They began to turn into human again- well most of them. When I heard Thomas voice about you being infected I made the last portion, I know how much he care about you- all of you. So I did what I had to do-"
"You said you had seen too much blood. You meant expirimenting with yours to help others-" Brenda spoke looking at the older boy. "-or kill to survive.. Doesn't metter right now." (Y/N) rubbed his temples being extra exahused from everything that happend and blood loss from today morning.
Gally came neer and sat down kissing his forehead taking the neddle and putting it away, squeezing lightly smaller hands.
"You need to take a break."
"I'll, let me just take the knife out of your friend and patch him up so he'll be good to lay comfortable."
Those (E/C) pleading eyes made formar keeper gave up but he sat behind smaller frame putting his hands on (Y/N)s waist gently rubbing them. "Do what you need to do."
It was hard to patch Newt when jet swayed from side to side close to burning bulding trying to get Thomas that got a bullet wound in his stomach.
Teresa didn't make it being swallowed by the crack in the roof and later by flames and falling peaces. When (Y/N) finished with blond haired boy he went to Thomas not carring how bad his eyes wanted to close and just drift to sleep.
Cleaning the wound the best of his abilities he pulled out the bullet and patched up passed out teen.
If it werent for Gally that catched his boyfriend (Y/N) would be the next patient nearly hitting the hard floor of the jet and injiring himself.
"Will he be ok?" Frypan asked looking worriedly to the back. "He haven't sleep for two days and I'm sure helping us out and taking that much blood has exhausted him. But he's though." Blue eyes soften while lookng at the sleeping boy gently pulling him closer into the warm chest.
Everyone could see how much Gally carred about (Y/N) and reverse. To old gladers it was still suprise seeing big agrasive bullider turned into big gentle soon-to-be-man, but it was nice.

The Maze Runner X Male Reader one shots
FanfictionNewt Thomas Minho Gally Alby Aris Frypan