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Announcement:'' The flight to Kanto will be landing soon. Please wear your seat belts. Thank you.''

I rubbed my hands in worry..

Prof. Oak:'' Relax Misty.''

I looked up.

Misty:'' I am trying...''

Prof. Oak:'' By the way..Did Ash remember you?''

Misty:'' No! He is...he lost his memories.''

Prof. Oak:'' That's weird isn't it?''

Misty:'' What is weird Professor?''

Prof. Oak:'' Amazingly.. After the incident, he remembered me, his mother, Gary...''

Misty:'' Oh?''

At this situation too, I cannot stop thinking about him. Ash was really mad when he found out I know about his father. If Giovanni was behind all the mess years ago, it will break Ash's heart to know his father's true colors. I am worried he will not believe it..

Prof. Oak:'' Don't stress out yourslef for those things.''

Misty:'' But, Professor isn't it for good if he never remembers me?''

Prof. Oak:'' I guess..''

I saw a smile forming on his face.

Prof. Oak:'' But now that you have spent so much time with him I am worried that won't be the case anymore.''

Misty:'' You...mean.....''

He nodded.

Prof. oak:'' If it is ought to happen no one can stop it. Oh! Look! We landed. Welcome back to Kanto region.''

I smiled worriedly. Agh! I was stupid! What was I thinking? I agreed to his requests, I was driven away by his kindness, his ignorance made me wanted to be with him more, his smile melted me....his confession...his kiss....everything only wanted me to be with him more. 

Prof. oak:'' Misty?''

Huh? I saw Professor waiting for me. I stood up and followed him.

Driver:'' Sit tight. We will arrive in Cerulean city in an hour.''

I looked out of the window. All these years, I didn't think about him..and now, I JUST CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!! I FEEL LIKE DYING RIGHT NOW!


Prof. Oak:'' Misty, did you sleep?''

Um...I think I took a nap. i nodded.

Prof. Oak:'' Lets go to the gym first.''

I get off the car and saw Daisy talking with police officers her eyes landed on me and the amount of shock I couldn't explain. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

Daisy:'' Misty..?''

Misty:'' I was so worried...''

Daisy:'' Why did you-''

Misty:'' Why did you hided it from me?''

I interrupted her.

Daisy:'' I don't wanted to worry you, You don't belong here, Misty....''

Misty:'' Wha-''

She said without looking at me..


I stood there stunned. Not hoping to come back...?

Misty:'' Why..? Do you hate me too?''

Tears forming in my eyes.

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