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I brushed my hair, and gave out a heavy sigh.

May:'' You came back yesterday, nd now you are going out somewhere today!''

Misty:'' Why don't you guys knock before entering the room?''

Dawn:'' I don't think, friends need to do that! Oh! Love your outfit! Why are you ll dressed up?''

Misty:'' Well.. its nothing.''

Both of them exchanged a look.

May:'' You sure? Becuase you barely wear something like that. I mean, you don't actually bother what you wear-''

Misty:'' Ah! Give me a break, will ya?''

Dawn:'' Why are you angry?''

I sat on my bed.

Misty:'' Ash told me to go out with him.''

Dawn:'' HUh?????? You and Ash..? You both are dating?''

May:'' And.. we had no idea!??''

Misty:'' No! He just wanted to go out.. Its not a date!''

Dawn rapped her hands around me.

Dawn:'' You are new to this! Let me explain! If a boy asks a girl out that means he likes her, and that going out is referred to as DATE!''

May nodded in agreement to what Dawn said.

Misty:'' You guys think too much!''

May:'' But, I never thought something would actually be between you two. Like you two were..''

Misty:'' We were..''

Dawn:'' You know!''

Misty:'' Our finale exams are not too far that you guys have time to talk nonsense.''

I picked up a backpack.

Misty:'' I'll get going.''

Dawn:'' Have fun on you date.''

I glared at Dawn, and I could hear their giggling as I left the place. Its seriously not a date! I reached the place where we promised to meet. I saw Ash standing there looking at his phone. I waved my hand and he finally noticed me.

Misty:'' Sorry to keep you waiting.''

Ash:'' No, I just got here myself.''

I nodded. We stood there for 5 minutes we just awkwardly stood there.

Misty:'' What's wrong?''

Ash:'' Hm?''

Misty:'' You told told me to got out with you, don't tell me, you have no idea where to go.''

Ash:'' Its not that, lets go somewhere you like.''

Misty:'' I don't know many places here though.''

Ash:'' Oh?''

What's up with him today?

Ash:'' Let's grab something to eat.''

Misty:'' Sounds good.''

We entered the cafe, but he blocked me to order.

Ash:'' Tell me what you wanna have, I cannot let you stand in the line, go find somewhere to sit.''

Misty:'' You don't fever right?''

Ash:'' W..what?''

Misty:'' Nevermind. I'll get something hot...um..Hot chocolate.''

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