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Author's POV,

They were on the battle field. Misty has never seen this huge crowd! Which made her a bit nervous, but she took a deep breath and got ready to battle.

Announcer: Ohk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get ready to have some fun! Ash the star of our high school vs Misty a new student from Kanto challenged to battle. Lets see how it turns out! Ready set!

Ash:'' Go! Kingler!''

Misty:''I choose you-''

Beefore Misty could complete her sentence Psyduck came out of the pokeball

Misty:''What the!"

Announcer:''AND misty chooses Pysduck.''

Misty:''No! wait! Ah! Pysduck! I told you not to come out of your pokeball! TILL I CALL YOU!!!!!''

May:'' What exactly is going on?''

Drew:'' She is probably having a mental breakdown now.''

Dawn:'' In that case...will she lose?''

Paul:'' Wasn't it obvious she will lose?''

Dawn gave a look to Paul and stood up. And started cheering Misty.

Announcer:''Let the battle begin!''

Ash:''Lets finish this quick! Kingler attack!''

Kingler started attacking. Psyduck just stood there.


Drew:'' Now there are also chances of her going crazy.''

Misty:'' Ah!''

Misty scratching  her face. Not knowing what to do. The match was coming to an end...when Misty saw that Psyduck was having a headace!


Ash:'' Wow! Now even she is supporting me. What a stupid trainer!''

Red:'' What exactly is she trying to do?!''

All the students face turned to Red. Who was standing there quietly watching the match, for a long time.

Dawn:'' That guy's name is Red. ryt? The guy Ash wanted to have a battle.''

Dawn whispered to Paul who just nodded sitting on the seat. Watching Red from the corner of his eye. Psyduck shouted everyone's attention was on the match. They saw pysduck's eyes blue. They were all confused, when a smirk broke out on Misty's lips.

Misty:'' NOW! Psyduck use psychic!!!''

Psyduck followed what Misty told him, and kingler was left unconscious on the ground. There was a silence in the whole place. Even the announcer was surprised by the sudden attack. He cleared his throat and.

Announcer:''The winner of the match is Misty!''

Misty:''Oh yes! I won! I won! I freaking won!!! I love you psyduck!

She ran to psyduck and hugged him.

Paul:''Wait! Did she just won?''

Dawn:''Oh yes!

Dawn ran to Misty and hugged her.

Dawn:'' You were awesome.''


She said scetching the back of her head.

Ash:'' You did a good job, kingler..return.''

Ash looked at Misty who was surrounded by friends. It was the same for him, when he won matches. He sighed and left without congratulating Misty. Serena followed Ash giving a disgusted face to Misty. Misty turned her head away from Serena.



Professor:'' Its just like the last year. We are holding the show for the girls!''

Misty:'' What is that?''

Leaf:''Its kind of a contest, where girls participate and get ranked for the most beautiful. And 1 of the wish has to be fulfilled by the school.''

Misty:'' That's gross! No one should rank others looks!''

Leaf:'' Well, last year Serena came first, followed by May, then Dawn and Yellow and then me. Misty you should give it a try! You could also fulfil a wish!''

Misty thought about it and then agreed. They were roaming around the school, during the break when!

Serena:'' Braixen! Come back!''

Serena, shouted when her braixen started running wild! IT threw flame wherever it felt! It was out of control.

Ash:'' Pikachu! LOOK OUT!''

Ash scremed when he saw that Pikachu was on the way where Braxien was throwing flame. Misty swiftly ran to Pikachu, it was to late for her to pick up. So, she came in front of the flame. Blocking the attack so that it won't hurt Pikachu!

May:'' MISTY!''

Misty fell on her knees! By how the powerful was the attack she was knocked out! Gary saw the whole incident, and ran to Misty and took off his jacket and covered Misty, as some parts of her dress were burned from flame. He picked her up and carried her to the nurse's office, followed by Dawn and May. Ash came and hugged Pikachu then looked at Misty who was unconscious in Gary's arms. 

Ash:'' Why does she look familiar?!''

Ash:'' Why does she look familiar?!''

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Ash saw a blury picture in his mind, which made his head ace! He saw a picture of him and a girl of his age, her hairs orange and.....He didn't know what it meant.

Ash:'' As far as I know the only girl I ever knew was Serena...... Right?!''

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