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Misty's POV,

I saw Ash standing behind the Professor. His hands in his pocket.

Ash:'' And..if you ask for a battle, I would gladly take her place.''


Prof Corless:'' My my, It seems you have taken me in a wrong way, I was just having a little chat with Misty.''

Ash:'' I think you took my as a dumb person. If it was a chat, would have not interrupted. But, looks like you were going to make a move on her.''

Professor's jaw clenched. Ash walked passed him as if he was nothing. He grabbed my hand and we were leaving..

Prof. Corless:'' And..exactly where are you taking her?''

Ash:'' She has a lot in her hands already. I would suggest the professor to go and find someone else.''

And he dragged me out of there. We stopped in front of her class. He was leaving without speaking anything else.

Misty:'' Wait!''

He turned around. I bowed.

Misty:'' Thank you.''

Ash:'' I wonder why are thanking me, although I would be glad to know the reason what happened there. But, looks like you won't tell, so...''

Misty:'' No! Um...Fine! Meet me during recess!''

I entered the class, while he stood there. I came to my seat and I saw Iris walk up to me. Is she her to make a new trouble.

Misty:'' Please, I am in no mood for trouble today.''

Iris:'' Oh no! I am just here to apologize!''

Misty:'' Apologize? To me?''

I pointed finger at myself.

Iris:'' To be honest, it was my fault from the begining. I should have stopped, because of me your sister is behind the bars. If you don't mind, can I come with you when she is released?''

Misty:'' Um...I guess.''

She sighed in relief.

Iris:'' Then I'll see you tomorrow?''

Misty:'' Yea...''

Guess people aren't so bad afterall. I am glad she apologized. Or else I would have had a grudge against her my whole life. About Professor Colress, should I talk with Professor Cynthia? I sighed. She is taking our fist class. The class comes to an end. I walk up to her.

Misty:'' I have something to discuss about.''

Cynthia:'' Here?''

I took her to the lab. As expected nothing was there, it was all cleaned.

Cynthia:'' Now that you say it, Colress has left the school.''

Misty:'' WHAT??''

Cynthia:'' If what you said is true. He must be afarid that the others will find out. I will let the principal know. Thanks Misty.''

I smiled.

Cynthia:'' And yea! Always be careful, its better to not let your guard down.''

Misty:'' I will try my best Professor.''

Cynthia:'' That's great, then I must go to my next class. You should also.''

I bowed and we both went our separate ways. Colress, was afraid to Ash when he showed up he could have captured us both. Hm... Is there a reason he didn't attack him? If Paul is right, if Giovanni is really alive is this all his doing? Or is someone using his name to frame him. Who exactly is the mastermind behind all this mess.?


Ash:'' Here!''

He told me to sit with him.. When I first came to school, he was acting like a bully, he made fun of me, later he softened towards me, then we became friends, then he hated me, and now his attitude is beyond imagination. What exactly is the real you Ash..?

Ash:'' You are so creepy.''

Misty:'' HUh? What!''

Ash:'' If you keep staring at me, anyone would say you are creepy.''

I moved my eyes away from him.

Ash:'' SO tell me..''

Misty:'' Um...Listen, its all real and I am not making up things.. I saw Professor Colress do human experimentation. And I cannot be wrong I just know. I have seen it before. It should be broken because its against the law. Forget about human you are not even allowed to do Pokemon experiments. Unless you have a special approval from the government. That's another case. He is highly suspicious because he left the school without any further delay. Hmp. I know you will not believe any of this so-''

Ash:'' No! I believe you!''

I look at him in shock.

Ash:'' Although, I didn't get the part where you said, you have seen it before. Would you tell me everything about yourself??''

Misty:'' HUH?? Wait! You are curious about me?''

Ash sighed with a smile.

Ash:'' I know right. I shouldn't have any business with you, but I want to know you. I just can't stop myself from knowing more and more about you. Whenever I hear anything about you I always hear it clearly so that I won't miss any details.''

Wait! What kind of confession is that?? Am I still dreaming? Like I had the dream about rooftop inscident? I pinched my cheeks.

Misty:'' OW!''

Ash:'' What are you doing?''

Misty:'' Um...Nothing just..''

Ash:'' You are so weird and mysterious!''

He kept a hand on his mouth muttering.

Ash:'''No wonder I am so curious about you.''

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