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Misty's POV,

Red:"Watch your words Ash Ketchem!''

Misty:'' Ash is right Red!''


I gave a confident smile.

Misty:''Yes! It is a truth. I am dating Gary Oak!''

Red:'' You...What are you saying!''

Ash:'' See! I knew, stop hanging around these kind of people Red.''


I whispered.

Misty:'' There is no need, if he doesn't want to understand then let him be. In his eyes I'm nothing but trash.''

Red's eyes widened, but he couldn't say anything. I am sorry Red if I embarrassed you. Please forgive me. I kept my hand on my chest and walked away.

Author's POV,

Ash:'' Take my advice-''

Red slapped right on Ash's face.

Red:'' Shut your crap! Do you really just believe what you hear?''

Red holded Ash's collars.

Red:'' You have no conscience. Oh yea right! You are just made up of lies Ash! You will never understand if someone suffers! Let alone she was a girl! I swear if she didn't like you I would have...''

Red's grip loosened. 

Red:'' Right, you after all have no sense of right or wrong why should I hurt you! Go! Just live on the lies that you HAVE ALWAYS LIVED ON.''

Ash starred at Red in amazement. 

Red:'' Don't show that face until you apologize to her!''

With that Red also left the rooftop. Ash just stood there. 

Ash:'' Lies........''

He whispered.

Misty's POV,

I walked through the hallway, lowering my head. I could hear all those whispers and sense those intense gazes towards me. I increased my speed, and entered the room. May and Dawn were both discussing. They stopped when they saw me.

May:'' Misty..''

Dawn:'' Where were you all this time?!''

Misty:'' Far away, where I belong!.''

May:'' What are you saying! We believe in you!''

Misty:'' Oh? Then will you be able to hold the hatred back for me, even if I steal they guys you like?''

Dawn:'' Stop talking in that way! Its just not like you!''

Misty:'' You don't know anything about me!''

Both of them looked at each other.

Misty:'' That is why I decided to change my room!''

May:'' NO!''

Dawn:'' You're kidding right!''

Misty:'' Let me get my stuff''

I was leaving the room when Dawn holded my suitcase.

Dawn:'' You are not leaving!''

Guess you will not understand so easily! I took out my pokeball,

Misty:'' Corosla, use spike canon!''

May:'' Dawn look out!''

May pulled Dawn back. Thanks May. With that I left the room. Where is that room? Here! I entered the room and there was only one bed. Guess I am back to being alone. When my attention went to a small paper on the glass table. I picked it up and read.

Misty:'' I didn't expect you to show up the same place as he did. Funny meeting. Don't get so excited to meet me. We will meet soon!"

HUH?! WHAT!!! Except me and Gary no one knows about Ash and my connection. I clenched the paper in my hands.. Who? 

Author's POV,

Ash called Serena.

Ash:'' Lets meet up!''

Ash sighed and ended the call.

Serena:'' Why did you wanna meet so urgently?''

Ash:'' There is something I have to tell you.''

Serena:'' What is it?''

Ash:'' Lets break-up!''

Serena stepped back in shock.

Serena:'' Huh? I don't get it! Did I do something wrong Ash?!''

Ash:'' No! Its just..''

Serena:'' Just what?''

Ash:'' Its just that I don't love you!''

It was like land slipped under Serena's feet

Serena:'' I can't believe it! I DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT''

Ash:'' Please! Understand!''

Serena:'' But I don't want to understand you.''

Ash:'' See! You said it yourself! Love is not just about feelings but understanding too! You just don't want to give me space! If I don't space away from you, I will definitely suffocate and die in that space!''

Tears started to fall from Serena's eyes. 

Ash:'' Sorry for hurting you. But I guess this is the lies Red talked about! Our relationship is nothing but...LIES!''

Ash walked past Serena. 

Next Day,

Misty saw another note in her desk. Who exactly was giving those letters to her? When..Gary holded Misty's shoulders.

Gary:'' Why did you lie?''

Misty was startled with the sudden question. 

Misty:'' Its just a matter of time. If a lie can save him. So be it.''

Gary:'' Misty...''

Misty:'' Please bear with me Gary!''

Gary:'' I was never able to help you. If this way I can then I will surely do it!''


AUTHOR:- Hello readers! Its been a while! I know I know. My update took a bit longer than I thought. Regarding that I am sorry. Plus, I was recently interested in a new anime series Fate! Oh! I just love that anime now! Maybe I will write fanfic on it too! I have come up with a story so yeah! I will publish it soon! Please stop by to read it if you guys have time! Thank you again!

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