Chapter 1

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Years has passed and Jamie has grown into a fine, young man. Within a minute, Jack was already on the move to watch over Jamie.

He arrived at his destination too early so he has to wait. Watching the adult and children pass by. One time he saw a children and asked his parents why his hair is white and why he didn't wear any shoes.

Jack smiled and simply replied the words, "Because I'm Jack Frost." The child smiled widely as he tug his mother's shirt and told her that he just spoke to Jack Frost. The mother gave her child an assuring smile and told the boy, "That's great, honey."

Moments has pass and Jack saw an awfully familiar man approach him. He gaze upon the man. Short brown hair. Pale skin. A scarf wrapped around his neck. But it's not just any scarf. It was the scarf that North made for him. Jack smiled, Jamie was still the child they knew. Only a few feet taller, his teeth were complete.

"Jack?" Jamie mumbled but Jack heard it crystal clear.

"How are you?" He asked with smile plastered on his lips. Every single day he waited here, he gets the same reaction over and over again. As if it was the first time they've seen each other over those years.

Jamie smiled as he approached the Young-looking Guardian, he stood beside him with a smile on his face.

"I've been doing great, actually. Sandman kept visiting my dreams. Tooth Fairy leaves a coin for my little cousin's lost teeth. It was...great." Jamie smiled, but Jack had a frown in his face. What about the Kangaroo? He thought.

Jamie turned around only to see the expression of the Young Guardian in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asked which pulled Jack back to reality. To the world that he do not exist. To the world that only children...and this man in front of him sees him.

"Nothing. It's just...I was wondering if Bunnymund ever visited you." Jack fianlly spoke after spacing out.

"I sure do. Why'd ya ask, mate?" From Jack's behind came an Australian accent.

"The Easter Bunny! Tooth! Santa and Sandman!" Jamie chanted their names like the innocent boy he was years ago.

"Hi, Jamie!~" Toothiana greeted with her heart warming smile.

"How are you, my boy?" North spoke with a genuine chuckle.

Sandman only did a quick salute whilst smiling at the boy. Jack had noticed dozens of people's eyes glued to their direction. And then the thought hit him. He remembered that only Jamie could see them.

"Let's talk somewhere private." Jack offered with his mischievous smirk.

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