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sugar daddy



"I don't know Sasha you know we're broke right now." I sighed as I picked up the dishes we ate from, the brunette staring at me frustrated and chewing on the left over potatoes.

"maybe we could've went if connie payed for us." she mumbles under her breath with a slight angry tone.

"YOU could've asked him, you know he has a thing for you." I smirk while washing the dishes

"no he doesn't! We're just best friends." She quickly shuts me down

"yeah yeah."

"I guess I'll text him we can't go to that fancy ass restaurant." she frowns and begins typing on her phone which we could barely pay either.

"I'm pissed, all the meat and potatoes that were gonna be there." The brown-eyed girl slumped in her seat like a toddler.

"hey, I'll make some at home just for you." I wiped my wet hands with a kitchen towel and walked over to my roommate.

"y/n we can't keep living like this! We can barely survive all of our money goes into our tuitions and we're literally left with all of our money drained! We can barely put food on the table." Sasha exclaims frustrated, I was usually the positive one in all these situations but it was getting to a point where I was over it too.

Buying groceries was like walking on eggshells, I had to make sure I didn't overspend not even a dollar or else we wouldn't have enough for rent. We couldn't make big portions of food either to conserve more food.

Of course both of us had our jobs and we both worked extremely hard to earn some money but the university drained most of it. I was tired, I was tired of not being able to treat myself once in a while. I was tired of declining almost every invitation to go out since I couldn't waste any money.

"you know what would be funny, what if you got a sugar daddy." Sasha chuckles to herself while sipping down some chocolate milk.

"girl you get one." I shake my head smiling

"okay but you're the hot one, every guy on campus practically drools over you and just buy sending a little bra pic that will probably cover this months rent." She winks, I ended up pondering on it.

"Sasha shut up you're hot but sugar daddy sites are probably so fake." I rest my cheek on my hand, Sasha lightens up and pulls out her computer.

"let's see, it's just a joke anyways you're probably right." She types into the google search bar:


I started at her confusedly on how she already knew a site but I brushed it off, she quickly clicked on the first option to pop up.

"okay let's make an account, let's add some hot pics of you." she scrolled through the pictures on her computer and hand picked the ones of me she liked the best.

"you look so sexy in this one!" She exclaimed as she displayed a picture of me a couple months ago wearing a borrowed mini black dress which hugged my body perfectly.

"hopefully these wrinkly old men will like them, I'm trying to buy myself a new dress." I stared at the computer screen as Sasha set up my account.

"okay this should be it! let's start looking for sugar daddies." She rubbed her hands together excitedly.


"ugh Levi! Do you seriously not ever feel alone." I sat down lazily in front of his desk, lifting up my feet onto his desk.

"tch, Hange get your dirty feet off my desk right now." You could see the serious look on his face, like he was about to snap if I didn't remove them right that instant.

"how old are you like..38 and you don't have a girlfriend and you're loaded! You're the CEO of a massive company and yet you still don't have a wife." I crossed my arms.

"I don't need women in my life, I'm perfectly fine the way I am." He doesn't even glance at me, he staples his important work documents nicely and places them perfectly in his organized bin.

"wouldn't you even consider a sugar baby, you're rich so-"

"I don't need a fucking sugar baby, it's a distraction." He rudely cuts me off.

"oh come on Ackerman loosen up a little, just try it." I stand up from my seat and shake his shoulder teasingly.


"You're no fun at all." I cross my arms and pout, the dark haired man simply got up from his desk and grabbed his jacket.

"I'm going home now, make sure to get some sleep. I don't want you slacking on the job four-eyes." He says bluntly before taking off his office to head on home.

Levi is seriously no fun, all he does is work all day and be grouchy. I felt kind of bad for him, he seriously had no life. The only events he would go to is with Erwin and some stupid formal balls.

It was my duty to help out my good friend, I had to repay him somehow for giving me the job of his assistant. I sat down in his comfortable chair and opened up his laptop.

I typed in his painfully obvious password and created an account on I pulled up work pictures that were decently good. Levi was a very attractive man no doubt, he looked good in every single picture.

Once the account was finally created, I decided to start scrolling for him. I needed to find a perfect sugar baby for him, I scrolled through somewhat a million girls. They all didn't stick out to me, some seemed so basic or either looked like they were insane party-animals something that Levi hates.

I kept scrolling until one particular girl caught my eye.

"y/n l/n, age student." I read out loud to myself, I clicked to look at her pictures and she was drop dead gorgeous.

She didn't seem like too much of the crazy time but was fun enough, she was also pretty hot. She was the one, hopefully she liked Levi too.

I shifted over the match button and clicked it slowly, immediately a screen popped up.


𝘺/𝘯 𝘭/𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰! 𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺.

I couldn't help but contain my excitement, she was perfect! Her and levi would look amazing together too.

I clicked on her profile to send a message,

hey, text me on my number xxx-xxx-xxxx🖤

I grinned hoping that y/n would send a message to the number, knowing it was Levi's

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