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Levi ackerman




I shifted in my bed in the comfortable blankets, it was probably the afternoon by now, I had a tendency to wake up late on weekends.

I reach over for my phone on my bed side table and go through my notifications until one specifically sticks out to me.

"no way." I smile to myself as I realize a sugar daddy actually texted me, I press on the message analyzing the number they gave me.

"SASHA COME HERE." I yell out for Sasha excitedly, in which a couple of moments later she comes running in my room.

"whatt." She rubs her eyes as she threw herself on my bed.

"look a sugar daddy actually texted me." I place the phone right in front of her light brown orbs.

Her face suddenly turns from a grumpy morning face to an ecstatic one.

"oh my god text him right now!"

"okay but what should I say?" I ask kind of nervously, I didn't know what to do. Did I just send him an ass pic right there?

"just say hi duh."

I copy and pasted the number and saved it a contact, immediately naming it sugar daddy.

Sugar daddy😽

read 1:43 pm

left on read🤨
read 1:45 pm

um hello? Is this Levi.

who are you.

y/n <3

Sorry I didn't have your number saved, you need to come by the office today at 4:00 pm sharp.

office roleplay?
will I be getting paid😐

I thought Hange spoke to you about payment.

who's hange..

Did she not call you?
I will have a word with her .

kinda confused but okay
do I wear something in particular 😏

I couldn't give two shits about what my employees wear.

Don't you think it's a little too early to meet..
what if you're a sex trafficker.
And I'm seeing that you're into a lot of roleplay

Listen brat, show up today at 4 or you're not going to get paid.

okay degrade me more🏃‍♀️

I'm close to firing you.

What is this  boss and employee roleplay..
where do I even need to be.

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