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I dropped the pencil on my notebook as slapped my head frustrated, I knew university was going to be hard but I didn't think it would be this hard. I had an important essay that I needed to hand in by Monday afternoon and I wasn't getting anywhere with it.

My apartment was dead silent, only the sounds of the refrigerator hum was spread throughout the apartment. Sasha had gone out on a date with some guy she had met while I was alone at night stuck writing an essay on a Saturday night.

I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts to FaceTime Mikasa until my eyes set on Levi's contact. We haven't spoken in about a week, I was never mad when we didn't speak for a while especially since I knew he was an extremely busy man.

I shrug and click on his contact to ring him, I sandwich my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I clean up my desk filled with books.

The ringing continues for a couple of seconds until I finally hear his familiar voice, "hello?"

"Hey Levi." I smile as I hear his soothing voice after a while.

"what brat."

"I just wanted to check up on you, how are you doing?"

"I'm driving right now, just got out of work. Haven't heard your annoying ass in a while what happened." He asked slightly concerned.

"nothing, I've been busy with school. I've been stuck on an essay that I need to do by Monday." I sighed as I stuffed my workbooks into my bag about to give up for the night.

"what's your essay about?"

"I need to write a compare and contrast Essay on the old media vs the new media."

"are you stupid? That's easy." I hear his scoff causing me to roll my eyes.

"I've just hit a block and I can't continue." I sigh as I throw myself back onto my bed.

"I'm picking you up."

"What? Why?" I lift myself off of my bed to rush over to my drawers and pull out some jeans.

"I'm gonna take you to my place, I'll help you out with your essay."

My eyes quickly soften as my lips curl up into a smile, "aw levi you care about me?"

he mumbled in an annoyed tone, "be ready in like 20 minutes." He lastly said before hanging up the phone.

My mind quickly rushed over to the thought that we were going to be alone at his house. I couldn't help but immediately think of the possibilities that could happen.

I rushed over to the bathroom to take a quick shower and put on the citrus-scented lotion I had gotten for my birthday not to long ago. I wanted to make sure I was completely ready if anything were to happen, things with Levi were alway so unpredictable.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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