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"y/n! Come on it's time to go." Mikasa slightly pushed me, causing me to break out of my thoughts. I quickly rush to pack up once I realized class had ended and everyone was leaving.

"you okay? you seem off today." Mikasa asks while she kindly waits for me to finish packing up.

"yeah I'm fine." I smile as we began to walk out side by side, truth was my mind couldn't get off what had happened with Levi on Friday.

I found myself thinking about almost 24/7 wondering what would've happened if that woman didn't barge in, I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs at the thought of Levi's heavy groans and the way he was groaning my name under his breath.

"well I'm going to meet up with eren, I'll text you later." Mikasa slightly smiled as we walked outside of campus, I waved goodbye as I watched the ravenette walk towards the campus cafe.

I take out my earbuds, placing them in my ear and clicking shuffle on my playlist. I stuck my hands in my pockets as I walked to the bus stop on campus just paying attention to the music playing in my ears.

I quickly get startled once a car honks it horn, I turn my head around to realize it was levi. My eyes widened as I saw him parked in front of the school, I quickly ran over to his car entering the passenger seat.

"levi? what are you doing here." I smile as I close the door, placing my school bag on the floor of his spotless car.

"I came to pick you up brat." His silver eyes stare me down, he never gave a different expression other than his cold one.

"thank you Levi, where are we going?" I smile at him, he begins driving the car with one hand on the wheel.

"you'll see." He mumbled.

"can you tell me?"


"pleaseee." I pouted.

"I said no."

"Levi just tell me."

He scowled and hit the breaks roughly of his car, causing the car to jerk. I gasp as my body almost fell over but didn't thanks to the seat belt.

"Shut up brat."

"I'm sorry." I frown and stay quiet for the rest of the ride, my poker face expression quickly lightens up once I see us approaching the carnival.

"we're going to the carnival?!" I exclaim excitedly

"Only for work purposes."

"What do you mean work purposes?" I furrow my brows.

"my company funded the carnival, I'm going here to check up on it not play around." He explains while parking the car.

"Come on Levi! Let loose for once." I exclaim as we both get out of the car and walk side by side as we enter the carnival park.

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