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spoil you

smut warning*


I refreshed my page so many times now that I had lost count, today was the last day of exam week and we were receiving our final grades today. I haven't spoken to Levi since last week, I got a little worried about him but I planned on calling him tonight.

My phone started buzzing catching me off guard, I glance at the caller ID and a small smirk grows on my face as I see that it was Levi.

"The Levi Ackerman is calling me?" I said teasingly causing him to scowl.

"tch, don't find yourself special you've just haven't been annoying me lately and I thought you've might've gotten kidnapped."

"so you care about me?" I grin

"no, I just already gave you 50 dollars the other day and I don't want my money to get wasted on someone who isn't even here."

"it's okay, you can say you care about your sugar baby."

"keep quiet or I'll regret saying yes." He said sternly.

"no It's just been exam week and I just did my final exam this morning and I'm stressed about my grades." I sigh as I lean back comfortably on my chair.

"you better pass."

"thanks for the reassurance." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you."

"I don't know just make me feel better and less stressed."

"I'll tell you what, if you pass I'll let you go on a shopping spree at that fucking bra store or whatever you women like." He mumbles softly over the phone.

My eyes quickly light up, excitement fills my body. I couldn't remember the last time I went on a shopping spree to Victoria Secret. "wait really?"

"only if you passed your exams and you send proof."

"oh my god thank you thank you levi you're the best!" I held myself back from squealing, "will you come with me?"

"No, I'm busy at work but come by my office after you're done if you passed." He softly says causing me to wonder what would happen.

"okay! I'll text you once I get my grades. Thank you levi again."

"you're welcome brat." He finally says before hanging up leaving me with the happiest expression ever.

"You look excited, what's up?" Sasha walks into my room handing me some potatoes.

"oh um nothing really I'm just excited to get our grades." I lie to her, I didn't want to tell her about the whole thing with Levi just in case this doesn't work out and I don't lower her hopes.

"I definitely failed one exam." She groans as she stuffs a potato in her mouth.

"don't say that I'm sure you passed everything."

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