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"so you decided to get a sugar daddy? Who came up with that genius idea." Eren slumped in his seat resting his arms on the pile of unfinished assignments we had to do.

"It was Sasha, but it was just a joke." I stared into his teal orbs, he shook his head in disbelief.

"and he ended up kicking you out?" mikasa furrowed her brows.

"pretty much." Sasha pursed her lips as he dropped her pencil in annoyance. We all had decided to hang out and study in the library especially since mid-terms were coming up and we quickly needed to catch up.

"well y/n you could've just asked me to be your sugar dadd-" Jean moved his chair closer to me, I give him a scowl and scoot away.

"Go ask the girls in your phone." I roll my eyes causing him to scowl.

"hey guys are you all coming to the restaurant tonight?" Connie suddenly walks up to our table and pulls up a chair next to Sasha.

"We're going out tonight?" Everyone furrows their brows confusedly

"Yeah, I feel like we don't go out as much as we used to." The bald-head crossed him arms and pouted.

"Is there gonna be good food there?" My roommate suddenly intervenes.

"yup meat and potatoes!" Connie smiles, Sasha suddenly gets a burst of energy and begs me if we could attend.

"Sasha I don't know I mean mid terms are soon and-"

"oh come on y/n! We're all gonna be there, it won't be the same without you." Armin urged enthusiastically.

"we could use that one card with emergency money we have." Sasha whispers in my ear.

"y/n, we could study over the weekend. We should go out, we haven't in a while." Mikasa promised with a small smile.

"alright I guess I'll go."  I agreed and continued on with studying.

We've all been a big friend group ever since highschool, we've gone through thick and thin together and I'm truly grateful for all of them. As much as we make fun of each other, act like we hate each other that's never the case.

We all tried to spend as much time as we could right now in university since we know that after we graduate, we'll all probably move on with our lives. We all were studying hard for our futures, I was majoring in journalism. I loved to write about different events in the world and provide people with the knowledge about it.

We all usually studied together when we had upcoming tests and exams. We had spent over 3 hours studying in the library but it was getting a little late and we had to start getting ready.

"we'll see you guys later!" Sasha waved goodbye at our friends as we walked into our apartment, We were both pretty unorganized people but we managed to keep our apartment clean.

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