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It's our last full day in Vegas and my birthday. I was turning 24, I am a year younger than Calum.  I woke up today with an array of presents on the bed next to me. "Good morning princess" Calum kisses my head, he sets down the last present. I just looked at him in shock of how many presents there are. "There are 24 presents and you are going to like them and not whine about how I shouldn't have bought you so many." Calum knew what I was going to say before I could open my mouth. "Thank you Cal." I got out of bed and gave him a hug. "Anything for my baby." Calum kisses my head.

We sat on the bed together after I got ready for the day. Calum hands me a small gift bag and I opened to find a smaller box, I opened to find keys. I gave Calum a confused look "Calum what are these?" I took them out and saw they were house keys. "I bought us a house..." Calum grew a smile on his face. I was in shock. "Oh Cal...I-I don't know what to say. Thank you." I grab his face and kiss him hard.

I am so ready to spend the rest of my life with this man. "And I had everything moved in so when we get back to LA we are going to our new home." Calum hands me another gift. I opened 22 gifts and was tired from it. "I love everything you got me. Thank you Calum." I hug him and kiss his cheek. "Anything for you baby." Calum said. I started to think how this is the first birthday in years where I was with Kat and Maya. "Well we better get going. Check out is in 2 minutes."Calum helps me pack my presents into a bag before we leave our room for good.

Valet brought the lambo around, I was sad that we were leaving Vegas not married. I thought we would've been spontaneous and get said fuck it. "What's wrong?" Calum asks while he focused on the road. I tried to collect my words but nothing came to mind. "Ava. Tell me." Calum demands. "I just thought we would've gotten married in Vegas but we didn't...it's okay though we would've wanted our friends to be there." I confess, Calum nods and I could tell he was thinking. I brushed it off and fell asleep the rest of the ride home.


Calum woke me up when we got to the rental place and got back his car. "Okay close your eyes and don't open them until I open your door." Calum puts the car in park in front of our new home. I heard the door open and Calum grabs my hand and helps me out the car. He shuts the door and walks us a little before stopping. "Okay...open them." Calum was excited. I open my eyes to a beautiful home. It was beautiful and I couldn't believe that he bought this for me. To start our new life together. "It's so beautiful Calum" I embrace him. The inside matched the beauty of the outside. Calum showed me around the house, "This room is your office and also a beauty room." Calum opens the door to a spacious room that had a desk and all my books and the other side with my vanity.

My makeup collection was in drawers and displayed beautifully. My heart could burst at the romantic gesture of buying me a house and implementing a room just for me. Calum took me down the hall to our room. I noticed the picture frames on the wall, pictures of us and our friends. I smiled at how pictures there are. When we entered our bedroom there was a huge portrait frame of us from our trip to Bali.

I loved how Calum really made this place our home with the pictures of us and the people we love so much. "How do you like the house?" Calum asks, we laid on the bed together. "I love it...I love everything about it." I said while still taking in the room. "I knew you would." Calum pulls me in close, we lay in bed together listening to each other's breathing. "Calum...I want to get married before we leave for tour." I straddle his waist and look at him. I could myself smiling. "A small wedding with our friends and your family." I wait for him to say something. "We can do that." Calum sits up and kisses me.

I text Kat and Maya to tell them the date of the wedding, February 12.

K: February 12? it should be possible

M: Shit okay we got to go dress shopping

A: Lunch tomorrow? I go back to work Monday. Sunday is the only day I can do it.

K: Okay, see u at 12! Usual place! I'll text the others

I smile at the sight of Calum dozing off in our new home. My heart just melts. "Get some sleep and I'll go make dinner." I kissed his head and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see what I can make, there wasn't much we really need to have a domestic day and do errands. I ordered dinner to the house, I set up the dinning room with our meal. "Calum! Dinner is ready!" I yell, my voice echos through the big house.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs and into the dinning room. "I was going to make dinner but all we had in the fridge was wine,beer and water so I had to order dinner." I opened Calum his beer knowing he was going to ask for one. "Thank you baby. I'll have our groceries delivered tomorrow. Don't want you worrying about that."Calum kisses my hand before he starts to eat.

I watch him eat his meal. I don't know I am finding everything and anything he does amazing. The doorbell rings and Calum gets up to get it. The door opens and closes, our friends flood into the dinning room, Maya and Kat holding a cake with candles lit. "Happy birthday!" Everyone exclaims. I feel tears sting my eyes, I smiled and laughed at everyone crowding around as Maya and Kat set the cake down in front of me. Calum makes his way to me and the chorus starts to sing happy birthday.

Ashton, Luke and Michael stood in front of me on the other side of the table acting like kids trying to see what was going on. I blew out my candles and the applause filled the room. "What'd you wish for?" Luke asks "For you guys to hit your marks under 30 seconds." I teased, the guys laugh. I saw Sierra, KayKay, and Crystal with gifts in their hands. Maya and Kat cut the cake, I walk over to the girlfriends. "You guys didn't have to get me anything...Calum covered everyone I know." I joked with them. "We heard about that. But you're our friend and you get a gift." KayKay hands me her gift then Sierra and Crystal followed.

I opened presents after we had cake. It was beautiful sight to see our friends in our home talking and laughing together. I saw Maya and Kat cleaning up, "You guys don't need to clean up. I'll do it in the morning." I stop them from helping. "You're right." Kat puts down the dishes in the sink. "You guys set this up didn't you?" I assumed, Maya and Kat nodded. "We wanted to see you on your birthday...we weren't going to let Calum break that tradition." Maya hugs me, I soak in this moment of just the three of us. "Thank you guys."

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