Come Back (Continuation Of Fake Relationships)

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Make sure you check out Leaping429 stories she is the one who helped me write this

It had been three weeks now exactly since. Toni had left leaving Cheryl only a note, making it all more painful. It'd been killing her, walking into school even had been daunting her, imaging Toni next to her like they'd been when they were "dating." Sighing, Cheryl leaned her elbows over the school desk below her, eyes darting towards the clock that seems to be stuck in the same position for hours. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone knew this insanely boring class ran longer than most, she would've thought it'd be broken. Today had been particularly aggravating for her, ever since Toni left Riverdale so unexpectedly she'd felt like every little thing had been a problem and what was worse was that she had no idea where she went, and as much as that frustrated her it worried her. All she could do, really, was read the letter Toni had written her. 

She'd read countless times in the past days, it comforted her more than she would admit and as the time went on she realized just how much she'd grown to really love Toni. Veronica lodge hadn't spoken to her all that much since their not-so-great date, besides the few times she'd give the redhead a hard time out of pettiness and Toni not being there only helped the lodges meaningless banter. Cheryl had no one to fall back on, nor would she get anyone to do so. Toni was all she could think about. No one else seemed as important, no one else was as important or ever would be. Time went by excruciatingly slow and finally, the class was over for the students of Riverdale high, only being the second period of course, but Cheryl was just happy to finally get out of that pointless lecture known as Ms. Grundy's class. Her books were tucked between her arm and ribcage, face emotionless as it had been the past weeks. 

It wasn't like no one hadn't noticed her sudden behavior change, no it had been extremely noticeable during vixens practice. And well, both Sweetpea and Fangs watched the girl from afar, occasionally talking about her mood amongst each other. It was really all they could talk about, cause the truth was, they missed their friend too, well, at least talking to her face to face. "Do you think she'll be fine?" Fangs lifted his feet over the couch in the student lounge area, gaze shooting over to his tall scruffy friend. Sweetpea only shook his head, honestly, he rarely cared about feelings other than his, but just watching Cheryl mope around school every single day for the past three weeks was enough to make him feel queasy and have just a slight pinch of empathy. "Dude, have you seen her? She looks like she just got the worst news of her life." The boy sighed. "Everyday to add onto it. I mean, she's clearly miserable without our girl clearly." 

As if on que, Fangs' phone buzzed, contact on the screen flashing the particular girl they'd been talking about's name. Even looking at the notification on his screen made him feel guilty. Truth was, they'd been talking to Toni over the weeks, back and forth just checking up on each other, but enough to have a sufficiently long conversation. He sighed, Sweetpea looked at him already knowing what he was thinking. "We should probably tell her." He nudged him, taking the words out of Fangs' mouth. That was enough to make the boy shove his phone in his pocket, not even bothering to text his friend back. He could do that later, for now, he would make it a goal to catch up to Cheryl before her third period. 

 "Come on bro, I'm not going alone." Sweetpea only groaned, he felt sorry for Cheryl, but he didn't want to agree to miss his third-period nap. He only got up when Fangs' gaze reached the glass of the vending machine. That was a bribe he couldn't pass.


 Struggling to catch their breaths, the pair finally made it to Cheryl's class, only to find out it had already started. Thankfully for them, Sweetpea had no problem bending a few rules for his benefit. "I'll be right back." The boy smirked hand reaching for the metal handle of the door. "It's time for you to see a true master at work." And with that he lifted his shoulders, mentally hyping himself a little, before stepping into the rather full classroom of extremely bored teens. As soon as he made himself noticeable the whole class seemingly stopped the teacher, quickly turning to look at the sudden distraction. Her eyes landed on the boy, throwing him a smile as she erased the board. 

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