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Toni's POV

While I'm texting one of my clients that I sell drugs to, I see Betty and Veronica run to me and I quickly put my phone away since nobody knows I'm a drug dealer. "Toni you need to leave right now!" Veronica says a bit out of breath. "Why and what is wrong with you?" I ask. "Mayor McCoy is arresting every Serpent that goes here because someone sold Jingle Jangle to a Bulldog that passed it around at a house party and Mayor McCoy found out Josie took Jingle Jangle. They already took Fangs and Sweetpea, you need to go." Betty says. Dammit, I just sold Jingle Jangle to a Bulldog a few days ago. "There's another one!" I hear a cop say. I look up around and see Sheriff Keller and few other cops walking to me.

"Toni run!" Veronica yells. I close my locker and started running towards the exit. I push past a few people and I see Cheryl come up to me. "Toni, what's going on?" She asks me in a bit of a worried tone. "Babe I'll explain later but now I gotta go," I say before running towards the door that was down the other end of the hallway. When I got there a few more cops came in through that door, I turn around to go the other way but a few more cops surrounded me. By this time everybody in the hallway was looking at me.

"Put your hands above your head!" One of the cops said pointing their taser at me. "Look I didn't do anything," I say putting my hands out in front of me. One of the cops tried to put me in handcuffs and I moved away then quickly pushed through the other cops. I see Cheryl, Betty, and Veronica from down the hallway running in my direction. I try to run to them but I feel something shock me and I feel myself collapse to the ground. "Toni!" I hear Cheryl shout.

Cheryl's POV

After I saw Toni run away Veronica and Cousin Betty come up to me. "What is happening? I just saw Fangs and Sweetpea getting arrested." I ask. "Mayor McCoy is arresting all the serpents to see who sold Jingle Jangle to a Bulldog," Veronica says. "Well in that case they're getting they are definitely after the wrong ones, I know for a fact my TT isn't a drug dealer, she isn't like that," I say. "Please tell us Toni left," Betty says. "She just ran away a few seconds ago," I say. All of a sudden we hear a voice yell "Put your hands over your head!".

We look in the direction where the voice came from. "Oh no," I say. Betty, Veronica, and I started running in the direction where we heard the voice. While we were running I see Toni push past a few police officers then look at us. She was about to run to us but a police officer shot her with a taser. "Toni!" I yell with tears in my eyes. I try to go to her but Veronica and Betty hold me back.

"Let me go!" I say trying to get out of their grasp. "We'll get her out when they take her to the station for questioning," Betty says. I looked at Toni and she was struggling so the Police Officer tased her again. I saw a few tears come out of Toni's eyes. "Stop you're hurting her!" I yell with tears running down my face and still struggling to get out B & V's grasp. The police officer put handcuffs on Toni and pats her down. He finds something in her pocket then pulled out some weed.

"Didn't do anything huh?" He asks Toni. "Fuck you that isn't mine." She says with venom in her voice. Another police officer comes over with Toni's bag. "Boss, we found a lot of evidence in here." They say. The police officer looks in her bag. "Fizzle Rocks, Jingle Jangle, Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine." He says going through the contents in her bag. My jaw drops.

"Take her away." The policeman says. A few police officers pick up Toni off of the ground. Toni looks at me with a guilty look on her face. "Cheryl I-" Toni tries to say but I just turn around and walk away. I hear Toni call after me but I started walking faster. I go to the bathroom and shoo out the other girls that were doing their makeup. I starting pacing back and forth.

I see Veronica and Betty. "Cheryl are you okay?" Veronica asks me. "No, I'm not okay! I just saw the love of my life get arrested for having drugs in her bag. Nobody has that many drugs in a bag unless someone is drug trafficking! She never told me about this, she's been lying to me for our whole relationship!" I exclaim. "Maybe she has a reason for doing it," Betty says. "If there was something wrong with her she would tell me," I say with more tears forming in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. "She was probably scared to talk about it. We all know Toni cares about you, she wouldn't do anything to hurt you intentionally." Veronica says. I sigh and look at the promise ring that Toni gave me that's on my finger.

"I guess your right, I'll try to hear her out when I get her but we're gonna have a long talk." I sigh taking my phone out so I can call the bank so I can withdrawal the money for Toni's bail.

*After Toni Get's Bailed Out*

Toni's POV

We're at Thistlehouse and ever since Cheryl bailed me out she's been silent. I don't really blame her. I go upstairs up to her room and gently knocked on the door. "Come in," Cheryl says. I walk in and Cheryl was reading "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf", It was her favorite book. She puts the book down to the side and pats the space next to her. "Come sit Antoinette." She says.

I hesitantly sit down next to her. I don't look at her and played with my fingers. "Antoinette look at me." She says. Yeah, she's pissed, Cheryl's never called me Antoinette two times in a row. I look up at her. "Tell me nothing but the truth and I won't get that mad or yell at you, okay?" She says. I slowly nod.

"Why did you have all those drugs in your backpack?" She asks. I wish I didn't have to tell her all this. I put my head down but Cheryl turns my head so I'm looking into her eyes. "After school, I was gonna meet up with someone so I can make my last sale. I swear after that it wasn't gonna sell anything else after." I say. "But why were you selling in the first place?" She asks. "I was struggling with money and I didn't want to tell you about it so you can treat me like some charity case," I say sadly. "TT, you can ask me for anything and I'll happily give it to you. I will never treat you in any way that you don't like." She says.

"But you're letting me stay here rent-free, I didn't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you," I say. Cheryl pulls me into a soft kiss. "Babe, I'll never think that, plus you're my girlfriend it's my job to buy you anything and everything you want. I love you so much." She says caressing my cheek. "I love you too, so you aren't mad?" I ask. "Oh I'm furious, that's why you're sleeping on the couch for the weekend." She says kissing my head then giving me a pillow and a blanket. "Wait that's it?" I ask. "I can take away kisses for the rest of the month."She says.

"The couch will do just fine," I say getting up and going downstairs.

*3 A.M.*

Still Toni's POV

I wake up to the sound of footsteps coming downstairs. I sit up and I saw a silhouette of someone. I rubbed my eyes and saw red hair. "What are you doing down here this late?" I ask Cheryl. "Scoot over." She says. I scoot over then Cheryl laid on the couch next to me. "Lay down," Cheryl demands sleepily.

I lay down and Cheryl wraps her arms around me then pulls me closer. "I forgot I couldn't sleep without you." She says quietly. "So I don't have to sleep on the couch for the rest of the weekend?" I ask. "Consider this a warning, don't hide anything else from me or you're moving out." She says sleepily. "Deal," I say before kissing her forehead then falling asleep

Published Date -  August 5th, 2020, 2:07 P.M.

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