The Day Of Valentine's

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A/N: Riverdale is making my blood pressure rise and probably yours too so I thought I might as well give you guys an update on this "special" day (This chapter was supposed to be up 5 days ago-)

Toni's POV

Today is the day I dread the most...Valentine's Day. Why I dread this day the most you may ask? Good question, it's the only day of the year where all my friends spend the day with their significant other and act like that I don't exist for the whole 24 hours. So I do the same thing every year, work at Veronica's nightclub, go to the store so I can buy myself a bunch of chocolate, rent a bunch of sappy romcom's, and eat those chocolates on my couch in my small one-bedroom trailer while watching said romcom's on my 15 inch TV. Sad I know but I don't mind it, I've been doing it for a while. I walk into school to go to my locker when I see a pretty redhead standing right next to it. That pretty redhead was also one of my closest friends, Cheryl Blossom. 

She looked up from her phone and smiled once she saw me. "Finally you're here, what took you so long?" She asks as I approached my locker. "Well, I don't get much courage when I have to get up today," I say opening up my locker. She pouts a bit which I thought was absolutely adorable. "May I ask why?" She frowned. "You probably haven't realized since you've been too busy macking on your girlfriend to notice but these past years I never had a Valentine. Kevin has Fangs and Sweetpea is busy trying to find his yearly Valentine's Day hookup so it just leaves me all alone in my trailer with nothing but a large pizza and a chocolate hangover waiting for me in the morning." I say passive-aggressively grabbing my books. Yeah, I also forgot to mention Cheryl has a girlfriend named Heather, we're in our senior year and they've been dating since the 8th grade.

I'll have to admit that I did have a crush on Cheryl during that time but the day I decided to confess to her, Heather beat me to the punch before I could even talk to Cheryl. "Toni, why didn't you tell me? You could've joined me and Heather, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Cheryl says putting her hand on my arm. "Because I hate third-wheeling and like I just said, you were too busy macking on your girlfriend to notice," I say giving her a sarcastic smile before I shut my locker. I start to walk away until I get stopped by Cheryl who stood in front of me. "Toni I'm sorry, maybe I can make it up to you." She says which made me cross my arms. "And how are you gonna do that? You can't exactly bail on your girlfriend on the quote on quote 'Day Of Love'." I say using my fingers to do the air quotes. "How about you agree to join me and Heather on our date at La Bonne Nuit and I can get Heather to invite one of her friends so you won't be lonely." She says with a hopeful look.

 Also another thing, Heather hates my guts. She's actually threatened me a few times in the past saying that if I don't stop hanging out with Cheryl, she's gonna make my life hell on earth which I found that hard to believe. She's told me that so many times and absolutely nothing has happened. I really don't know what Cheryl sees in Heathen- I mean Heather. I tried so many times to tell Cheryl about Heather but every time I try to tell her we get interrupted so I basically gave up. If anything were to happen to their relationship I was always the first one she goes to for advice even though I have never been in a romantic relationship with anyone. "As much as I would love that, I have to work but thank's for the offer though." I make up as an excuse. 

I don't do hook-ups and I don't really trust Heather. But I really didn't want to hurt Cheryl's feelings by saying that to her face. "Nonsense, I'll talk Veronica into giving you the night off so you can enjoy our double date," Cheryl says with a smile. Oh god, why did she have to call it that? "Look, Cheryl-" I get cut off by Heather walking up to us and pulling Cheryl into a heavy kiss which made me roll my eyes. "Ready to go to class babe?" Heather asks once they pulled away. I started to make a fake gagging motion behind her which made Cheryl giggle, her giggles are so cute. 

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