Chapter 7

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Hi guys !

I realize how long I've been gone for and I cannot imagine that I actually have almost 300 reads. Thankyou so much, it means a lot. Now this is a chapter I really worked hard on and tried to just rant and then express it as dialogues because there has been enough ranting already hehe so without wasting time, here you go :)



I was shocked. I mean I knew everything he said already, I know him through and through but never in a thousand years did I think he would ever actually admit it. The pain in those beautiful eyes and the way his voice kept cracking, I just couldn't formulate any words. I know I should have said something to comfort him but there were a thousand things going through my mind and I wanted to listen to him. Not just hear him but actually listen and understand all he was trying to say, then talk to him with a calm mind. But how do I calm my mind when it's spiralling like that? I was standing backstage, looking at him perform, pride overcoming me but my mind racing thousand miles an hour, should I talk to him right after the performance? Probably not right? He'll be thinking about Jay then. But then what if he thinks I don't wanna talk about it at all ? Ahh why does this always happen to me ? I just want to talk to him, I want to hug him like we did, I want to kiss him and I want to call him mine again. But I'll never tell him this because he would feel guilty for finally doing something for himself. He has gone through way too much so I let him believe that I didn't stop him from breaking up with me because that's what I wanted to instead of telling him the actual reason because I know he wouldn't survive the guilt but now, I feel like that was the wrong decision. It seemed to have only given him more pain than he already was in and I don't think I can ever forgive myself for it. I have to talk to him definitely, tell him everything I wanted to say while he was talking but couldn't, I wanted him to know that I love him so much it hurts but I would still rather be away from him if it meant he'll be better, I wanted him to know that he never has to apologize for anything because I understand and I want him to know that I will always, Always be waiting for him.

Oh my god, He just finished the performance. I couldn't help but wear my biggest sloppiest smile as I clapped loudly with pride glistening in my eyes. I could see tears glistening in his and that made my heart hurt. I knew he couldn't see me but I kept giving him a thumbs up and mouthing words of encouragement to ease him.

He was exiting the stage now, coming right towards us. Payno gave him a pat on the back and brought him in for a hug. Lou was then greeted by Niall and then he turned towards me. But he didn't hug me like he did ten minutes ago. He seemed fragile and hurt and we exchanged a highly awkward handshake in front of everyone as I saw Ni and Li exchange a suspicious glance. And then it hit me, He was afraid that I didn't reciprocate the feelings he just told me. He felt vulnerable and I realised the sooner I talk to him the better.

As soon as he went into his green room and everyone else collected in the waiting room, I carefully slipped away from the gang to go talk to Lou. But when I got there, I- I don't know what to say. He was sitting on the floor, knees clung to his chest, tears running down his soft cheeks. I ran to him and slid by his side on the floor to put an arm around him. He instantly curled up inside my arms. He needed this. He has been needing this for a month and I couldn't give it to him. I smoothed his hair and rubbed his back. I didn't ask him what's wrong. There were so many things, I wasn't sure but I just wanted to give him the little comfort that I could.

"You must be thinking what a mess I am." Louis said as he broke the silence.

"Have you lost your mind Lou. You really think I'll ever think that. And if you think this is a mess then you really should have seen me last month when you broke up" I faked a tiny laugh, trying to lighten the mood and let him know we're okay. I knew it didn't work as soon as it left my mouth. He looked at me with even more hurt,


"Shh sorry that's not what I meant Lou. It's okay. Im okay. It's just, sometimes, you know, I wish you would have told me why. I just thought what we had was special, didn't we ?"

" Of course we did Hazza. We were perfect "

"Then why ? " I asked as my voice cracked and tears started glistening in my eyes.

"Harry baby pls I- I never meant it. Any of it. I'm so sorry. I deserve everything happening with me after what I did" says Lou, now sobbing.

"Hey hey, Lou shh I shouldn't have said that. I- this is about you, love. No matter what you do, you are the most amazing human I know and never in a million years do you deserve any of this yea ? Never say that again baby. I'm sorry I brought that up, you're going through enough as it is. You owe no explanation to me okay ?"

"No, not okay. You deserve to know what happened Haz, I can't afford to hurt you as well anymore. Let me explain. Please"

"If you really want to, I'm no one to stop you but just know, you don't owe me an explanation okay ?"

"Okay ! So.. I don't actually know how to tell you but I really want to so listen and don't get mad.."

"I won't, I promise"

"And don't interrupt" he teases, with a genuine smile escaping his beautiful lips.

I couldn't help but smile back at that. Oh how much I still love him, I thought to myself

He continues, "Okay, here we go..."


yup, i did just leave it at a cliff angle if anyone's reading.

pls comment so i know yall are actually interested to read the next part. I already have it written, I'll uploaded it after a bit. Imma let some of you wonder hehe.

for now, byeeeee, thanks for reading and pls vote.


P :)


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