Chapter 2

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Hi, I'm back. so basically I wasn't planning on posting this story because I knew I would have had huge expectations of getting many reads and all but wouldn't have so I was just writing it for myself but my best friend convinced me to post it. so I already do have a couple of chapters already written down but if you do read this and have and suggestions or ideas, please feel free to comment it down below, I would love to have more inputs:)

I really do hope people read and enjoy! 

(also - everything in italics is a flashback)


Still Louis POV

Sitting on my couch, thinking about these memories, they seemed so real, I could feel my cheeks burn up as these memories came rushing to me... "Lou?" came a voice from the kitchen. "Louu, wake up babe, you're really late". "What time is it" I mumbled under my breath as I shifted in my bed and flinched at the bright light coming through the window. "Hazza, how many times have I told you not to open the curtains while I'm asleep, it's irritating to wake up to such a bright light". When I heard no response from his side, I forced my eyes open only to see him standing above me with a tray in his hands. He gently pressed his lips against mine, "Good morning sun, is it still irritating?" he asked as he placed the tray near the lamp and wrapped his arms around me.

How could I resist that dimpled smile looking at me with those pretty green eyes, I kissed his forehead as I thanked him for being there with me, everyday. "You know you didn't have to make me breakfast in bed, right?" I asked him with a wide grin spreading on my face "Yeah, but I couldn't afford to be later than we usually are" he chuckled back at me. "Now go get ready so we can get to Niall's place in time to head off to the interview" he said. I pulled him on top of me as I complained, "Ugh, I hate getting out of this bed" he looked into my eyes and gave me one last peck on the lips before saying, "me too Lou but we really gotta get ready now boo bear".

And so we did. I headed to the shower and quickly got ready before wolfing down the peanut butter and jelly sandwich Harold had made for me. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and threw over a comfortable sweatshirt with some Vans. I quickly went through the news for recent updates while Harry was changing. I looked at him and a current passed through me, I was flustered at the sight.

Not only is he one of the hottest men to walk this earth, he is genuinely beautiful, his smile, his dimples, the childish glimmer in his bright green eyes, the way he carried himself, just everything about him was so perfect that I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to be with him. We finally got ready and headed out, "remember to lock the door behind you lou-", he said, already jogging down the stairs.

As I lay on my couch in reality, I looked at the door, a simple barrier, with the cold knob still feeling like the warm touch of his hands, and his silhouette, still in a hurry, faded as he jogged deeper and deeper into our oblivious future.

There were nights when I couldn't sleep as clips of my mum, Hazza and everyone else I have lost played in my mind on loop but occasionally, on days like today, these memories brought me warmth and gave me comfort, wrapped around in their essence, I quickly dozed off.

I felt my mum's warm embrace as I fell asleep, still near me somewhere, holding on. I knew that whatever I do, I couldn't let her down, I had to make her proud and live one life for the two of us. The tears slowly trickled down my cheeks to the seams of the cushion as I reminded myself, dreaming about my mother's faded silhouette looking over with deep blue eyes, glistening with pride as I received my first award alongside my four best mates, I couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe, somewhere still around, she'd look at me with the same glimmer of pride in her eyes as I performed in front of millions of amazing fans, but all by myself this time.


sorry, I'm crying too hehe. I really do miss Jay, she was so wonderful and beautiful and perfect. 

anyway, if you like this and want the next chapter, please vote and comment (though I'll post it anyway hehe)

- Love, P :)


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