Chapter 1

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hey guys, so here's the first chapter. please do let me know what you think. is it too sad? or just let me know whatever you feel hehe 



" We were too young to know we had everything, Too young, I wish I could've seen it all along, I'm sorry that I hurt you, darling, no, oh, We were too young "

As the lyrics from my latest song, "Too Young" played on the vinyl, still unreleased, the memories of the past flushed back as my eyes swelled up with tears of joy and regret. I was once in love, truly, madly, deeply in love, with a wonderful person. Someone with a pure soul, a beautiful smile and the most dazzling set of green eyes I have ever seen and I wrote this song for him.

Yes, it was a "him" and that's the reason why from one home, these two hearts were made to go their separate ways. Hazza and I loved each other more than anything. Everyday used to be a blessing, waking up next to each other, being able to perform together, see the world together and to be able to share my best and most vulnerable moments with him was truly an all-consuming feeling.

Sometimes when I'm alone with my thoughts, spiraling to a center that doesn't exist, I am often pulled into a whirlpool of those memories of my bitter-sweet past. As I pulled into my driveway, I quickly wiped away my tears and put on a wide grin for any paparazzi I may come across. Paparazzi interactions are honestly still weird for me, it's hard to believe how far we have all come from five teenage lads who auditioned for X factor, oblivious to how it would change our lives forever. Even harder to believe that I am now Louis Tomlinson, The solo artist and no longer the 1/5th of 1 direction.

From having a dream to making it come true, the four of them have been my journey throughout, with the highs too high and the lows too low, they've been my moral support and the ones I want to come "home" to. Though a part of us always knew that eventually we will part our ways and there will be one day when we wouldn't have to make each and every decision, not as one but as a mind of five, we never knew when. And after all that time, we couldn't imagine a different life, somewhere in a parallel universe, where the five of us wouldn't have met or wouldn't spend every breathing moment together.

It is however commonly suspected that my relationship with Harry was a bit different than the others. Though at first, with him being the youngest and me being the oldest, I often felt protective of him as an older brother but the line between this brotherhood and love soon seemed to blur. Though our relationship has changed to various "status" over the years, from brothers, to friends, to something more, to a memory I can't allow myself to let go of, the day I met him, I was instantly comfortable around him and knew that whatever I may feel about him, he was definitely someone I wanted to hold on to, someone to stick around in whatever way, shape or form.

I opened the door to my villa, having successfully avoided the paparazzi and sank down on the couch, tired from today's interviews. I used to think, to have a house so big and luxurious would be such a dream come true but with each faded memory that attached itself to these four walls and one roof, it became more and more painful to come home to just these walls with glimpses of my past and silhouettes of all those I have lost floating around. What is a house worth if you can't call it home? Though the memories woven into the webs in the attic and the hallways still echoing with shouts of laughter will forever keep me here, attached to them, It doesn't feel like home anymore, with no one to open the door for me and no familiar faces to brighten up my day with just one smile. It just didn't feel like home.


How was it ?!

Also, feeling alone and hopeless  is completely normal and happens to everyone, if anyone at some point feels sad or alone, my inbox is ALWAYS open for all. talk to others and you'll feel better, trust me. I cried while writing this because even imagine Lou going through so much kills me. Hope you liked it though and please vote and comment if you did. Ill try and update soon.

Love, P <3


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