Chapter 5

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Hey Guys,

 well first of all, I never thought anyone would read this. let alone, 100 reads so thankyou so much. 

Secondly, I wrote a chapter and I realized that I had in mind what their thoughts were but I didn't explain that so this is kind of a filler chapter which I'm gonna leave at a cliff angle because the next one is my fav hehe.



It had been a month since I broke up with Harry now. I know I shouldn't be the miserable one who misses him so much because I was the one who broke it off but I am. There was just too much going on, with the constant nagging of management and the incessant need of our fans to prove "Larry", and my mother passing away and everyone around me telling me it wouldn't work, it was all just too much and I gave into the pressure. And I would have been easily convinced to not do it if he had just tried to talk to me. I know I can't blame him and he was obviously hurt or at least that's what I thought until it seemed like he almost didn't want me back, or he would have tried to talk me out of it, right ? I'm pretty sure he either hates me now or didn't care enough then but today, I have to perform on the X factor and I'm gonna talk to him. I don't know what he feels right now but I haven't been there for him in the past month and I need to talk to him because I just can't live with the possibility of another chance with him if I didn't even ask.


I am miserable without Louis. It was bad enough that I didn't have any of the boys with me as I embarked on a solo career while they did too but the fact that I couldn't be with my boo bear really broke me. Of course, it's not like I told him that. I knew it was getting hard for him, his mum had just passed away for god sake and he was under so much pressure and pain. There is no way I could blame him or try to talk him out of it because he was finally doing something for himself, his mental health was getting severely affected and he needed his space and I totally understand that but I just wish he would just let me be there for him, even if it was as a friend, I thought he'd at least call or make some contact over the past month but he didn't and that makes me wonder maybe he really did want to break things off with me, irrespective of the circumstances. I'm gonna see him today. I don't know if he even wants me there now after everything but I'll still be there for him, always. I just don't know what I'll do. Should I hug him? Should I talk to him? What am I supposed to do?


I was freaking out. I just miss mum so much. I loved her more than anything and she has given me everything that I have and I really don't know how I am going to live without her. Fucking leaukemia, why do the worst things happen to the best people ? She was truly an angel and I just don't know how I am going to perform today but I know I have to. She wanted me too. So, I will.

What's worse is the fact that today is also the first time I'm gonna meet Harry after the breakup. I miss him too. And I'm miserable, all on my own and I just don't know how I'll talk to him today. Or how I'll talk to Zayn after the fight either. I haven't heard from him yet either. I really do wish he would come though. It was mom's wish for us to make up after all. I just really don't want to go through today. I know a lot of people are worried about me and will be there today to either see me or support me but I just wish time would fast forward to tomorrow and I wouldn't have to go through today.

Firstly, I was going to perform Just Hold On live for the very first time and there hadn't been a single practise when I haven't cried while performing. I just really don't know what will happen on stage and I really hope the fans don't start hating me if I mess up. After all, the only fans I have currently are directioners only and in the band, the rest of them were always better than me.

I also had to talk to both Harry and Zayn. I knew what I wanted to say to both of them. Infact, I had practised those speeches as well. Of course, tearing down every time I tried. And I am a pure mess right now but I have to collect myself and hold it all in because everyone is gonna see me and I have to be strong. Or at least pretend to be.

I decided to just focus on the performance for now and talk to Haz and Zee later. When I reached, I was worried because I couldn't see either of them anywhere.

"Hey Payno, are the other lads coming mate?"

"Well, Harry was actually the first one to get here but he wasn't sure if you wanted to see him or not so he is in the waiting room "

I felt a current of pain pass through me. How could he ever think I didn't want to see him. Is that what he thinks? Shit, what have I done. I was at the edge of tears and I hadn't even properly stepped in yet.

"Nialler forgot his phone in his car so he has gone to get that and I haven't heard from Zayn"

"Oh" I exclaimed. A lump forming in my throat.

"but I'm pretty sure he's just late as usual. I really don't think he'll not be there for you because of a fight Lou so don't worry and break a leg out there Tommo." Liam exclaimed with a pat on my back.

"Thanx Li. I love you buddy and seriously thank you. For everything."

"Oh shut up you sap" he said pulling me in a tight hug.

"Oh, and also, I don't know what exactly is going on between you and Haz and I don't mean to pry but he is really broken right now Lou, even though he won't show it, just please at least talk to him yeah?"

"Yeah of course Li. I was going to anyway. I actually have a huge list of things to say to him after the performance and I know you probably didn't mean it that way but please don't think that I would ever hurt him like that because I wanted to. I still do love him ya know. He is still one of the lads and always will be. You don't need to ask me to talk to him." I said, tearing up at the end.

"Yes of course mate, I didn't mean it like that. I'm proud of you for having the courage to go through so much and I don't blame you a single bit so never think that yeah?"

"Yeah, okay thank you" I replied, a soft smile escaping my lips. I felt a set of hands wrap around me from the behind. I wasn't even startled, I knew who this was.

"Hey Ni, I missed you so much" I turned around and hugged him.

"Aww you assholes" Liam exclaimed, fondness taking over him.

"C'mere" I extended one of my arms towards him and I silently cried in both their arms realizing how so many people are there for me when I need them. 

thankyou for reading if you are. Please comment if you like it. that really helps. the next chap is my fav and I'm really looking forward to it. hope ya'll like that too.

Love, P :)


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