Chapter 3

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hey, I'm back once again and tbh I haven't been feeling very good today and writing really helps so I thought why not finish another chapter today ? anyway I started with Harry's POV this time and I wasn't sure about it but it kinda fits so yeah. again, flashback statements are in italics and I have left a teeny tiny cliff angle here, maybe ? haha. hope you enjoy <3

also sorry for the cover for this chapter, I'm crying so why not cry with me? haha.



"Harry?" called mum from the kitchen. "Yes mum?" "Could you lend me a hand love, I decided to make a proper meal as Gemma is returning today but I'm running a little late on schedule." "Sure mum, gimme one min, I'll just freshen up" I chirped back from the bed. I got up and headed to the washroom. I was more of a morning person so it wasn't as hard for me to get up early and go about my business.

I quickly freshened up and headed to the kitchen to lend a hand to my mum, she is the most amazing person I know, from giving birth to my wonderful sister to raising me to be the man I am today and teaching me everything that I know, she is truly my idol and I love her more than anything in the world.

"Love", this word can have so many meanings. It is truly astonishing how you can love someone in so many different ways. I once did. His name was Louis Tomlinson, he was my boo-bear, my brother, my best friend, my partner, my companion and I loved him beyond words can comprehend. I can't really explain what I feel about him now except that not a moment passes by when something doesn't remind me of getting lost in his pretty blue eyes or cherishing the touch of his lips on mine, his fingers interlaced in mine as he'd look up to me with the most beautiful smile and say, "Hazza, I love you, so much." "I love you too Lou, thank you for being with me through everything, always", "Always" he'd then repeat.

"Are you okay Harry?" asked mum as I was pulled back to reality and realized my eyes swelling up with these memories. "Yes mum, It's probably just the onion" I immediately revolted, trying to hide my pain. "You know I'm your mother, right? I gave birth to you love, I know when somethings up. Is it... Louis?' she asked, carefully slipping the words out of her mouth as if it would ease the pain.

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't possibly lie to her but I knew that seeing me that way would hurt her and after all she's done for us, that's not how I was planning on returning the favor. I looked into her eyes. Neither of us said anything but that was our conversation. As her eyes told me to be hopeful and a soft smile reminding me that she'll always be there for me, I could feel my lips curl up slightly letting her know that I love her more than anything and appreciate everything she does for me.

I was still grateful for this life I was gifted with. Even after everything that went down with Louis, I know that we will still be there for each other when times are hard and we need a hand to give us a little push and of course, then there was mum and Gemma, I couldn't have possibly asked for a better family.

I know after a certain point of time, people get over heart-breaks and eventually move on to a brighter path. Maybe someday, I will too, but until then I have to put on a smile for my family and my fans, however much I want to guide myself back to the past, my past, with Louis and just remain there, next to him, frozen in time, I can't and that's the overwhelming reality.

There are nights when I can't sleep, no matter what I do as I see my journey with Lou flashback in front of my eyes. Last night was one of those nights as I remembered all the "I love you's", all the soft kisses, all the times I felt so broken at all the hate and he would somehow make me forget everything with just a gentle touch of his fingertips interlacing with mine and a soft kiss to my forehead saying "I'm right here with you Haz". Last night was one of those nights, except today, I couldn't stop thinking about them at all.


Really hope ya'll like this and I wanna say something,

I know going through breakups and being sad is such a stereotype and like happens with everyone and yet I know people who don't get the privilege to grief about it because apparently, it is "minor and we shouldn't cry over someone" and it's true, you should try and move on but it's TOTALLY NORMAL to grieve and everyone deserves that luxury so I don't know who may read this but if anyone needs to talk about ANYTHING, I'm here for ya.

Please do vote and comment :)

Love, P <3


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