Chapter 4

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sorry for the long wait for those of you who are actually reading this. please keep voting and commenting as it really motivates me to write more.

I also want to apologize for this chapter being super long, I just couldn't fit it into two chapters sorry. again, italics is flashback. In fact, I've mentioned the flashback too.



After I helped mom clean up, I layed on my bed while I waited for Gemma to get back soon. I had talked to her continuously for the past one month since Louis broke up with me. I would probably go mad if I didn't to be honest. I snuggled deeper into Tuffy and buried my red cheeks glistening with tears into his chest. Tuffy was my Teddy bear that Lou had won for me at a fair. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was one of my worst days until it became the best.

* Flashback *

We were all having fun at the fair. Yes, it was a little irritating that there were paps around us and we still had to maintain a high profile and couldn't just let loose for once to be average teenage boys at a fair but that's alright. I mean nothing good ever comes for free right ? So of course there were times when I wished I could just be average and not famous but I wouldn't have given up that life for anything.

Anyhow, we went on the ferris wheel, a couple of more rides and then decided to hit the stalls before going back. The sun started to set and all five of us were kinda hungry by now but we were highly invested in the games and fun to complain. At one of the stalls, Lou won a teddy bear and it was so cute, I made a pouty face at him, wishing I could have it instead and he gave it to me to keep. I hoped he couldn't see how my cheeks instantly flushed and I could feel the bright pink in them but I couldn't be less bothered, I just liked him so so much.

However, things weren't always so simple and easy for us. Once we returned to our hotel, we decided to watch Fault in our stars. And though Zayn and Louis complained that it was too cheesy, we all knew they didn't want to watch it because they knew they'll cry if they do and didn't want to seem "weak" in front of the others. I simply used the being youngest card that had seemed to work a lot with them and I absolutely loved it. I held Tuffy tight to my chest as the sad part started to come up. Louis saw me and instantly put an arm around me and gently pulled me into him. I instantly eased and lay in his embrace, it felt warm and I felt safe.

That was until we heard a doorbell.

Liam went to open the door and saw Paul, standing over with a worried expression on his face.

"Everything okay ?" asked Liam, as we all made our way over to the door.

"Yes, yes, everything is alright" Paul said, realizing he had a furrowed brow and replacing it with a soft smile instead.

"Do you need any help Paul ?" asked Louis.

"Actually, management sent me over to inform you boys that they would like to see you in hotel conference room in half an hour's time"

"Oh ok, thankyou for informing us, let them know we'll be there " Liam said, confused at first but soon taking in what Paul had just said.

We smiled at him gently as he made his way back to management.

"Haz, you okay buddy ? " asked Niall and I realized I had a worried look on my face.

"Haha yes Nialler, I was just wondering what this could be about. Today has been such a blast, I really don't wish to spoil it" I said jokingly but I was genuinely starting to get concerned.

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