Chapter 18

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"Good evening, everyone. Today, we're here together for the life of Richard William who passed away this morning on the filthy hands of hatred and evilness of Maximilian. I received the news of my father's death and I wasn't able to comprehend the news and I was shattered to pieces. He was out for his work and he believed that his friends wouldn't ever stab him in the back. Unfortunately, Maximilian, who was my father's best friend's son shot him in the head. Words can't describe my sadness or exasperation as Maximilian was a family friend. From now on, I ask God to bless my father's soul and all of us. I have a faith in God in avenging his soul."

Ava was wearing a black long dress. She let her hair down and she was standing confidently. It was a moment and she needed to be strong. Her mother, Mia, was crying too much that she spilled her make-up. Ava rolled her eyes and got out of the church. James was sitting on his car, wearing black shirt, black jeans & tattoos filling his arms. Ava raised her left eyebrow as she was gushing at the way James looked in tattoos, and his arms' muscles, but she was trying to avoid her thoughts since she was already committed to Damon. "Are you ok? You look pretty tired. I brought you breakfast and a cup of coffee." James handed her an omelet sandwich and the cup of coffee. She smiled a little and accidently, her hands touched James's. He was confused for a moment, but he didn't want to focus on what happened. She was eating her sandwich in silence, while James's bright green eyes stared at her, longing for her attention.

She was trying to avoid eye contact. "So, is Damon's condition stable?" James looked up. He was silent for a moment, and then nodded. Now, it was his turn to avoid her eye contact. Ava was looking at him and she felt numb. "I assure you Damon's alright, but he's just going to take time until he restores his health." Ava was trying to be calm. She told James that she wanted to go to the hospital. He nodded and opened the passenger's door for her. She got in and he started to drive.

She entered the hospital and looked for Room 364. She knocked on the door. She opened it and found Damon, lying on the bed. His face was white like snow. She was tearing and she couldn't handle it. She was trying to leave the room, but when she turned around, Damon caught her hand. She froze and looked back. His eyes were open and they looked different. They were sad and showed a broken boy who lost everything except his love. He looked at Ava as his only hope. Damon laughed a small laugh, so Ava asked, "What are you laughing at?" Damon stared at her hand and told her, "I laughed at the ironic moment that we have now. When we first met, we loathed each other and I hated you so much that I was planning to tear your life apart. When you asked for my help, I was confused. It was as if everything just stopped. When time passed, I was falling in love with you more and more. I couldn't stop myself from imagining you & me together having a life at my house. I wasn't really the type of person to think about romance, but I think love can take us by surprise." Ava felt like she was breathing a fresh air with nothing to worry about. She leant to kiss him, but was interrupted by James's entrance.

"Sorry, guys, but I have something to tell you. Unfortunately, Maximilian packed his stuff and went to Australia with Kol and Gabriel. It wasn't something unexpected, but we should look for him fast. We need to bring him to justice, Ava." Ava looked at him and gave him a sarcastic look. "And we're going to risk Damon's life, right?" James got silent and Damon stared at Ava. "Ava, you've to tell them because whether you like it or not, we need to get justice for you. I know you won't like the sound of that, but even if your dad was terrible for you, he still deserved justice. We're talking about a murder here." Ava wasn't expecting these words coming out from Damon. She didn't want to react to his statement. Damon felt the air filled with tension. "James, do me a favor and don't bring any bad news for the next couple of days. I'm already not cheerful about the state I'm in." Damon and James laughed together. When Ava stood up to leave Damon to get some rest, he held her hand and James tried to control himself. "I don't want you to leave tonight. Stay with me." Ava looked at Damon and his eyes were desperate for an eye contact, so she nodded. Damon beamed with happiness and his dimples were shown. Ava's mouth made a perfect 'O' when she saw them. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! DO YOU HAVE DIMPLES?!!!!" "Well, I have them, but I don't show them except when I'm with you."

"All right, love birds. See you tomorrow." James was trying to leave the room without breaking the door. All he had on his mind was Ava and he wanted her because he felt she was the only silver lining to him. Then, he took a deep breath and went straight forward to his house. He went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Damon and Ava were sitting next to each other. "So, how was your day besides the church memorial?" "It was ok, until I saw you." Damon chuckled. "So how do you feel now?" Damon started to touch her stomach slowly, and Ava started to shiver. She chuckled and she was feeling like in love. Damon was enjoying the feeling and they were starting to make out. They were both naked and Damon held Ava by the waist and she was kissing his neck. She was on the top of him. Then, Damon slept while Ava was caressing his neck which had infinity tattoo. Then, she found his back filled with tattoos. They were a quote, lightning bolts, and dead tree drawn from the back of his neck to the end of his back. The quote said: Until my last breath, I will always love her, whatever happens. Ava was smiling to herself. Suddenly, she was taken by surprise by Damon's arms and she slept in his arms.

Next morning, she woke up at the sirens. "Miss William, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Damon is going to be arrested for the murder of Maximilian's father." The police officer said these words. Damon was in shock and Ava was screaming, but the police took Damon for questioning. Ava was left in the room with nothing, but a broken heart and she lost the only reason for her smiling.

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