// Chapter 8 //

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The sun went down quickly, the already beginning to fade as Athena reached her room. She extended her arm under her bed and pulled out the wrapped weapon. Peeling back the layers of cloth enveloping it, she unsheathed the blade and held it carefully in her hands.

It was perfectly balanced and the feeling of it in her hands was so familiar that it was as though it was merely an extension of her arms. She tested the waters by waving it around slightly and found herself brandishing the weapon like she had done it a million times before which she very well could have, had her dreams really been memories. She shook the thought from her mind, not believing that the horrors that presented themselves to her in her dreams could possibly be a reality.

What about the Grievers? She thought to herself. It was true. If creatures as terrifying as the Grievers existed, why couldn't the things in her dreams - memories. Did she really believe it though? She was getting her memories back? How could that be possible? The only way you could get your memories back was by being stung and she certainly had no recollection of that ever happening.

She knew that the only way she would truly believe it would be if she really could fight like she did in her mind and her room was way too small for that. Fortunately, the sun was already setting, sinking behind the walls and shrouding the Glade in darkness well before it had fully set. After a moment of contemplation, she wrapped her sword up well and slunk out of her room.

She was grateful she didn't meet anyone on her way out but as she slunk out of the back of the Homestead taking the longer, more secluded route around the Pits, she was almost caught by Gally locking Thomas up for his punishment.

Athena saw the flicker of the torch coming closer and rather than making a run for it, she crouched down just behind the top of the prison-like cells, the slanted roof creating a perfect place for her to hide since if she had tried to run, they would have most certainly heard her rapid footsteps and she would have been caught. Once Gally had left, she stayed where she was for after his footsteps faded, new ones came into earshot just as she was ready to go. It was Chuck.

She knew that Thomas and Chuck had gotten close over the past couple of days and so she wasn't surprised that the kind boy went to visit his new friend, smuggling him some food as well. They spoke for a while and Athena felt wrong for being there. Their words were meaningful as they spoke about Chuck's parents and getting out of the Maze. She felt as though she was eavesdropping on a special moment in their friendship.

Hearing that Chuck thought he wasn't going to get out of the Maze, giving Thomas something to give to his parents if he ever got out, broke her heart and it put a smile on her face when Thomas called the young boy back, returning whatever he had received to him, insistent that they would all get out of there.

It was only a minute or so before Chuck had left and Athena knew that if she was going to go and mess around with the sword, it would have to be then but something seemed to be stopping her.

It felt as though she relinquished control of her body and placed the sword down, hidden under a few stray weeds growing behind the Pits and moved out of her hiding place and sat down in front of Thomas cell where Chuck had been moments before.

"Hey." The boy jumped, obviously having been too engrossed in enjoying his small meal to notice the girl approaching.


"Guess again, Greenie."

"Oh, hi Athena." He took another bite of his quickly diminishing piece of bread, "What's up?"

"In all honesty, I don't know why I'm here. To say hi I guess? We haven't really spoken since you got here."

"Yeah, I don't think I apologised about hitting you the first day I got here so sorry about that." Thomas smiled sheepishly.

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