// Chapter 10 //

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As the rest of the Gladers began to emerge from their hiding places, Athena truly noticed how many of them were missing, including Zart and Alby. At least a large portion of them survived. Newt started giving out commands, assuming his role as the Glade's new leader now that Alby was truly gone. On his orders, the Baggers began to collect the bodies and stray limbs while the rest of the Gladers were assigned various duties like grave-digging, cleaning, rebuilding and putting out the fires while the Med-jacks took Thomas to the Med-hut, anyone who was injured following close behind.

"Where were you?" Chuck asked, scurrying up to her to give her a large hug once all the commotion died down.

"I was hiding in the Box with Gally and a couple of others. What happened in Council Hall? It's falling apart!"

"A Griever reached in and tried to pull me out."

"What?" Athena pulled away from the young boy, bending down slightly and holding his head between her hands, turning it this way and that looking for injuries. "Are you okay?"

"Relax, I'm fine, mum." He said, swatting her hands away, "Thomas caught me in time so they stopped me from being taken and Alby whacked it until it let go."

"Thank goodness you're okay." Athena gave him one last hug before he made his way towards the Med-hut where Thomas had been taken. She crossed her arms and watched as he scurried off across the Glade to his friend.

"Hey, Athena." Newt's unmistakable voice spoke from a few steps behind her. The girl immediately turned around and crossed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace which he gladly returned. There was something about Newt's embrace which was different to that of the others.

It was warmer and made her feel safe. As though they weren't stuck in a deadly Maze. As if all hell hadn't broken loose not 20 minutes ago. As though all her worries and problems faded just for those moments, but before she knew it, it was over and the view of the Glade reappeared, blazing and destroyed.

"You alright?" Athena asked, noticing his troubled frown no matter how much he tried to mask it.

"Yeah." He ran his hand over his face, taking a deep breath and sending her a small smile. Athena shot him a pointed look which was enough for him to drop the charade. "Why do I even bother hiding my thoughts around you?"

"You tell me." Athena's mouth quirked into a small smile as she looked down to the floor.

"Gally's disappeared and so have a bunch of the rest of the Gladers but I didn't see where they went. I think they're planning something."

"What, like a mini coup?"

"I guess you could call it that. It was obvious Gally didn't like Thomas from the start, and after what just happened... he couldn't have made his hatred any clearer, and there's no way he's not going to do his best to get rid of him, if it's the last thing he does."

"I think you're right."

"Wait, what? I thought you were going to tell me not to worry or something."

"I tell the truth. Circumstances change and now, after all that, everyone is scared. Gally is all for staying here and camping it out thinking that getting rid of Thomas would fix the problem but even though he's wrong, the boys will listen. Fear is a strong emotion and people let it control them which is why they'll follow Gally. Out of fear."

"You're right, as usual. I reckon we need to get out of here as soon as possible, somehow leaving through the tunnel Thomas, Minho and you found today. There's no other way." Newt nodded, scanning the Glade quickly before his eyes widened. "What the bloody hell?..." He trailed off, running towards the Med-hut where Athena too noticed a group of boys heading and her brows furrowed in confusion.

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