// Chapter 13 //

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The time had finally come and the plan was set in place. The Banishing was ready to happen and though Athena wasn't allowed to get anywhere near the preparations because Gally was worried she would sabotage something, so she couldn't go anywhere near the event until it was over. Instead, she watched from a distance, waiting for the signal.

She had her things prepared, her Runner's pack strapped to her back with a bottle of water for the journey, and her sheathed sword attached securely to her belt. Since it was their last day and the day of her escape, she wasn't worried about people finding out about the sword. What would they be able to do about it anyway? It's not like they could confiscate it anymore.

She sat on her bed, wringing her hands nervously as she paced around her room, looking out of the window every few seconds until she saw Chuck salute her window as he walked past, making his way discreetly to the Deadheads, the key to the Map Room gripped firmly in his fist.

It was time.

"James? I need to go to the toilet." Athena said, knocking on the door to her bedroom. It swung open quickly and an exhausted James stood there half asleep. He was so tired, Athena decided against his initial plan to hit him about the head with the butt of her sword to knock him out for she was pretty sure he wouldn't even notice if she was gone.

Sure enough, Athena simply sidestepped the boy as they reached the toilet downstairs and walked right past him to leave the Homestead and he didn't even bat an eyelash. That was easy.

She slunk across the Glade to the Deadheads, using the thick smoke that lingered in the air from the smouldering trees and structures as cover, she quickly headed in the same direction that Chuck had disappeared not five minutes before.

Reaching the Map Room, she found the boy piling up bags and weapons in his arms and after a small greeting, Athena set herself to work doing the same. They had no idea how many of the boys would actually join them in their mission, but it was better to take more and leave it at the Doors than not have enough for everyone and let the Grievers get them because they were underprepared.

As soon as they gathered all that they could carry, they headed out of the Map Room. Athena sent the Map Room one last fleeting look, mentally saying farewell to the place that held all the Maze's secrets. The place she had spent so much time in over the years and had hated for so long for its crowded and messy nature.

She was sad it would be the last time she saw it.

Chuck and Athena reached the Glade and walked slowly to where Teresa had already been tied up. Gally was angry, pointing out why they should side with him and not believe Thomas, but after Teresa spoke, a lot of the Gladers looked away, believing them.

Not a moment later, Thomas made his move as two boys went to drag him off the floor and tie him to the second pole. He pulled his arm out of their grip easily, taking them by surprise, then punched one in the gut, spinning to grab the spear from the other.

The rest of the group in on the plan made their moves, Frypan cutting the rope that tied Teresa's wrists and Athena and Chuck ran over to join the group in front of the Doors.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you." Gally spoke slowly.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone who wants to come, now's your last chance."

"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you."

"No I'm not trying to scare you - you're already scared. Alright? I'm scared. But I'd rather risk my life out there then spend the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. This place? It isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that."

Just like Athena knew he would, Thomas spoke powerful words which clearly seemed to resonate with many of the Gladers as half of the remaining boys walked over to their side.

"You too, Athena? Huh?" Gally asked, a little sad.

"Gally, please, it's over. Just come with us." Athena tried one last time, but to no avail.

"Good luck against the Grievers." He scoffed and the group took it as their cue to leave.

The journey was long and tiring for many, but Athena fared well, used to running the familiar paths of the Maze every day for the four months she was there.

Minho and Thomas led the way at the front while Athena kept a slightly slower pace behind them to make sure nobody was left behind and got lost in the endless twists and turns of the Maze.

She jogged next to Chuck and Newt. The younger boy was huffing and puffing, trying to suck in as much air as he possibly could as he did his best to keep up with the group. He was doing well. On her other side, Newt was also doing okay, but the limp that was usually barely noticeable was clear as day with every step he took.

"You alright?" Athena asked as they jogged past ivy-covered walls.

"Yeah," Newt said simply, sending her a small smile, "Glad to finally be getting out of this bloody place." He said. Athena noticed that although he glanced at her, his eyes never met the walls that surrounded them, always trained on the floor ahead of him, just enough for him to see where he needed to step, but not far enough for him to see what was around them.

It was as though he was avoiding it, like the Maze held memories he would rather forget. Well, whatever it was, Athena didn't want to pry. She knew that he'd tell her when he feels like it, if ever.

Running beside her, Newt was a lot more nervous than he let on. If they had to go up against the Grievers, which they probably would, there was still only a slim chance that they would all survive and with his bad leg, he was at a disadvantage.

Thinking back to his life in the Glade, he was thankful for the friends he had made and reminiscent of those he had lost. All he had lost. Including his ability to walk without issue.

But he was glad things had turned out the way they had because if they didn't, they could have been a lot worse. He may never have met Athena, for instance. And for that, he was glad.

If he died in the final battle, he would have no regrets. Well, except one.

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