//Chapter 14//

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They finally reached their destination and the group slowed down to a halt, Thomas peeking around the corner of the final turn before turning back with a huff.

Athena could see the boy's mouth moving, but her mind wasn't registering the sounds leaving it, too obscured with one thought. Newt.

She had to say something to him. She didn't know what, but she knew that if she didn't say anything at all and something happened and she couldn't tell him later, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

So, taking a breath and stabilising her nerves, she took Newt's hand and led him a couple of meters away from the group.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, a worried frown etched onto his face.

"Yeah, yeah, everything is fine. I just needed to talk to you."

"That's perfect because I actually wanted to talk to you as well." Newt chuckled. He didn't know what he was doing and started to get worried. He was going to try to take this opportunity to tell Athena how he felt, but what if she wanted to ask him on advice about how to talk to one of the other guys? But that would be ridiculous right? Wouldn't it? Girls were hard to read sometimes.

"Really now." Athena amusedly raised a brow.

"Would I ever lie about something like this?" Newt feigned offence, his hand on his chest as he gasped, making Athena shove him slightly, giggling.

That was a first. In all the time she could remember, Athena never giggled. Ever. What was this boy doing to her?

" Listen, I just wanted to say..." Athena began nervously, but as soon as she lifted her eyes to meet his, her anxiousness melted away and she was confident in her emotions for the first time, his warm chocolate eyes providing her with all the courage she needed with the kindness they emitted.

"I just wanted to say I really, really like you. Like like like you and I know it's a really bad time because we're about to fight giant, smelly mechanical spiders for our freedom, but I just really needed to tell you." She finally blurted out.

Newt's expression was hard to figure out. It was mostly blank, in all honesty and Athena was worried she had ruined everything, but before she had the chance to regret her words, his voice filled the silence.

"That's good because I really like like you too." Newt let out a shaky laugh. In all honesty, as much as he had hoped that was what she would say, there was always the chance it could have been about something else.

Neither one of them had noticed that as they spoke they had been shuffling closer together until their faces were only inches apart. Newt took in every detail of her face. Of course, he already had it memorised, but he would never get tired of looking at her.

Athena smiled slightly as she watched Newt scan her features, noticing the way his eyes lingered on her lips a ml moment longer than they should have, but Athena didn't mind, no. She loved the way he looked at her.

And gazing back up at him, it wasn't just like one of the many stolen glances she had sent his way so many times before, no, everything was out in the open. Everything was more... Intimate.

"Can I... Can I kiss you?" Newt whispered

"Please do." Athena replied, her voice a mere murmur as she leaned forward, meeting the boy half way between the short distance that had separated them.

She knew it was 'cliché' or whatever, but the feeling Athena felt was indescribable. The world around her had melted away and the only thing she could think of was the kiss. It was soft and slow and sweet. And it was perfect.

Newt's arms snaked around her waist, bringing her closer to him, if that was even possible anymore, while her arms found their way behind his neck, her fingers getting tangled in his soft hair.

In that moment, she had no fears, no enemies, there was no danger, and she was safe in the haven the boy had given her, all with a kiss.

Athena wished it never had to end, but as all great things do, it did. They pulled away, both grinning, their foreheads rested against each other as they held each other in their arms, not wanting to let go.

"I told you they'd be together by the end of it." Minho's voice sounded and Newt and Athena stepped apart, startled by the unexpected interruption. In all honesty, they had forgotten they had company. "You ready to go, Lovebirds?"

Athena met Newt's eyes and she couldn't help but smile, even a small laugh managing to escape her lips, earning a wide grin from the boy beside her then made their way back to re-join the group.

"Alright, then. Let's go." Thomas declared, turning away from the group and began the charge around the corner.

"Stay safe." Newt said, facing her one last time.

"You too," She gave him one last quick kiss, "I'll see you on the other side."

And onto the battlefield she ran, Newt following close behind.

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