Star Wars RP Rules

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1. Fill out the form first and wait for me to accept (or simply briefly describe your character in the comments below and wait for me to approve)

2. Swearing is not allowed, save for the swears existent in the Star Wars Universe

3. No smut, please and thank you. I ask that we please timeskip after the characters makeout. But that's it

4. Don't kill my OCs, please. Injuring and wounding is okay, but I'd rather RP as a live being instead of cutting the RP short by getting killed off. Also, letting them like hang onto life by a tiny thread is fair game

6. Going along with that, try not to control my characters. If I want them to do something, I'll write it

7. Please, PLEASE create some action in the chain. I don't always like to be the one to create it and when I do, I'm not good at it, so please some action created on your part is appreciated. (Going along with that, please no one sentence answers. Two sentences minimum, please. This is kinda a pet peeve of mine. After a while of just one sentence answers, it gets boring to me, if the sentences are just filler sentences. I honestly might not respond until it gets fixed.)

8. Also, don't expect me to keep playing other characters that aren't OCs

9. Stick to your chain and your chain ONLY, as this is currently only individual roleplay (but that may change in the future, I don't really know)

10. Correct grammar is appreciated, like knowing the difference between "your" and "you're", and "their", "they're" and "there" (going along with that, please use () or [] if you're going to type OOC). Also, please use complete sentences as this is a semi-lit rp.

11. I need at LEAST one sentence to go off of, please

12. Whether you fill out a form or tag me in your OC, please wait to be accepted

13. I'd prefer if romantic relationships between OCs, as all my OCs in this book are female, strictly stay BxG

14. Please don't spam comments if I don't reply right away. I try to. If I don't reply in a day (full 24 hours), then tag me.

15. Try to be active. If you go offline for more than a few days, at least give me an explanation as to why

16. The password is the number I skipped

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