Miscellaneous RP rules

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1. Correct grammar, please and thank you. That includes punctuation and complete sentences. No run-on sentences and one paragraph sentences. Please. And no abbreviations, please (unless it's RSVP, ASAP, and that kind of thing). (going along with that, please use () or [] if you're going to type OOC)

2. Generally, I don't really like one or two word answers because I'm not completely sure how to respond. So generally write like a few sentences to a paragraph or so, if you can. (Going along with that, seriously I might just not respond if someone keeps giving me one or two word answers that do nothing for the plot to move forward.)

3. That said, if the moment calls for it, and it makes sense in the rp, put some action in it. I don't always like to be the one to create it and when I do, I'm not good at it, so please some action created on your part is appreciated. But, again, depending on if it is appropriate in the scenario.

5. Don't overdo it on the drama. It's depressing.

6. I never thought I'd have to say this, but please be a decent person. It's really not that hard😒

7. I don't like to keep playing the non-OC characters, so please put in some effort to do so on your part

8. Please don't control my characters

9. No smut

10. Whether you fill out a form or tag me in your OC, please wait to be accepted

11. I'd prefer if romantic relationships between OCs, as all my OCs in this book are female, strictly stay BxG

12. If I don't respond within twenty-four hours, please tag me. Also, please don't spam unless you want to change your answer, as it gets annoying kind of quickly

13. Please try to be active. If you do happen to go MIA for more than a few days, at least give me an explanation when you do happen to return

14. The password is the number I skipped

That's it. Have fun :-)

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