Harry Potter RP RULES

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1. No killing

3. No swearing (save for all the ones in the movies and/or books)

4. No smut (BUT I will allow anything up to making out)

5. Please, create some action in the chain. I don't always like to be the one to create it and when I do, I'm not good at it, so please some action created on your part is appreciated. (Going along with that, please no one sentence answers. Two sentences max, please. So many people have done this in the past. Seriously, after a while, I might just not respond until you fix it.)

6. As it isn't fun for anyone to be told what to do and how to do it, please don't control my characters. If I want them to do something, I'll write it.

7. Please don't expect me to keep playing the non-OC characters

8. Stick to your chain, as this isn't a group rp

9. Correct grammar is appreciated, like writing in a complete sentence and knowing the difference between "your" and "you're" for example. And also correct punctuation fits into that category, so PLEASE no run-on sentences. (going along with that, please use () or [] if you're going to type OOC)

10. I need at LEAST one sentence to go off of, please

11. Whether you fill out a form or tag me in your OC, please wait to be accepted

12. I'd prefer if romantic relationships between OCs, as all my OCs in this book are female, strictly stay BxG

13. Please don't spam me, if I don't respond. I usually try to reply right away, but if I don't, please wait at least twenty-four hours, then tag me.

14. Please try to be active. If you do happen to go MIA for more than a few days, at least give me an explanation when you do happen to return

15. The password is the number I skipped

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