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Name: Jessamine Zeldovar (Used to be Seipora Rein. Her first name was pronounced Say-poor-uh, and her surname was pronounced rain. She changed her name from Seipora Rein to Jessamine Zeldovar when she ran away)

Nicknames: Jess or Jessa

Species: Human

Gender: Female


Birthplace: Calimport in Calimshan

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Birthplace: Calimport in Calimshan

Age: 23

Birthdate: 25th of Eleasis, in the Year of the Elven Swords Returned

Home: Baldur's Gate on the Sword Coast

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'2

Weight: 117 lbs

Scars: one across her chest, and four on her stomach (all from knife fights or sword fighting)

- Rogue (lvl 5)
- Warlock (lvl 4)

Ability scores:
Dexterity: 20
Charisma: 18
Intelligence: 16
Strength: 16
Wisdom: 14
Constitution: 14

Subclass: Swashbuckler

Alignment: Lawful Good at first, but Chaotic Good eventually

Strengths: Sword and knife fighting, hand to hand, gunslinging, sneaking around, and sewing

Weaknesses: She charges headfirst into danger when she doesn't see an easy way out, she can be really impulsive and go with her gut on a lot of decisions that she makes, whether they're of great influence to the future or not.

Gods worshipped: Tymora and Gond (later Umberlee when she joins a pirate crew)

Background: The former young mistress Rein had a GENERALLY happy childhood, as one of the eldest child of three, all girls (her twin named Arala and the youngest named Yasheira (or Yasha for short)). The women of the estate were all very close, because their father and husband, Aseir Rein IV, was more often than not away on mercantile business. When she was of age (around 18 or so), however, she was expected to marry. Although her suitors were all at first glance better than well-off for themselves and would most probably be considered worthy heirs to her father's business by polite society, she refused each and every man who came to call on her. Upon their first meetings, she thought they were all arrogant, close-minded, and somewhat naive pigs. After the failed attempts at finding a suitable husband, Seipora promptly had a falling out with her father one night. He'd been at the local tavern to calm his nerves, so it ended with her beaten and bruised. So, instead of letting him disown her and throw her out of the house with little to no dignity left (possibly the next morning), she got her effects in order and ran away, packing up some clothes, shoes, and a fair amount of coin (though not enough to get noticed in its absence from her family's vault) in a big, brown leather satchel, carrying it on her back. She had also grabbed a relatively simple rapier and baldric set that she'd secretly bought long ago in a market while on a stroll with a former governess.
A few weeks later, she found an assassin's guild in Baldur's Gate simply known as the Guild and petitioned to join their ranks, introducing herself as Jessamine Zeldovar. From then on, that was her name to anyone else outside of her family. She trained with the Guild for years before talking to Astele Keene, popularly known as Nine-Fingers, through her bodyguards and asking to leave when, in Jessamine's opinion, the Guild started to bite off more than they could chew with the influencing of the Baldurian government. Nine-Fingers, although sad to see Jessa leave, allowed it and Jessamine was free to walk the streets as she pleased. Or so she thought. Little did Zeldovar know that Nine-Fingers would have her every move watched by the guild master's bodyguards to ensure that the rogue made no move against her former guild.
One of her fondest memories after she left the Guild was stealing right from under the great (and arrogant) Lord Gaspar Hendrix's (NPC, one of her father's friends) nose on a solo mission. Because she needed only some of the money, she gave some of it to the paupers she passed on the way back to her temporary home and hideout at the time. After a moment, she decided she'd go back just to mess with Hendrix's guards a bit and get them even more pissed off. It worked. The guards didn't even know she was there until long after she'd left, but by that time, she was already far away, going back to her hideout. Rumor has it, though he doesn't know who stole from him, Lord Hendrix is still looking for her to this day. Though, they're probably going to be very disappointed because, after getting accepted into a new thieves' guild, Jessamine changed her wardrobe almost completely and became a pirate, sailing the seas in search of adventure and wealth.

Rein Family crest:

Rein Family crest:

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