Morpeko on the loose.

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Marnie's Point of View.

It's impossible for me to remember anything about my parents. I was too young to remember them and Piers rarely talks about them. However, I'm not sad because my brother always looked after me my whole life, so I never felt that anything was missing.

I still vaguely remember when I used to be a crybaby, and my brother was there to comfort me. Always crying for the smallest of things, I get embarrassed every time I remember it.

I'm so grateful to my brother for doing his best in raising me, and technically I'm still being raised by him, but I believe I'm mature enough to take care of myself. But anyway, I want to repay all that he has done for me, and I'll do it by bringing life back to our hometown Spikemuth.

Spikemuth is a dusty old town located at the Eastern end of Galar. For others is where the dark type gym resides, but to me is my dear hometown. But one that is also slowly losing its relevance.

Piers has always blamed himself for the constant decline in visitors. Despite his numerous efforts to bring it back to life. Spikemuth has gradually sunken more and more into obscurity.No matter what he does, nothing seems to work.

All because of those stupid power spots. Spikemuth is the only gym in Galar without a power spot, so most people ignore it or don't even know it exists since apparently, a Pokemon battle is only "cool" when you use Dynamax. Even though that's the entire point of our gym, it is supposed to be different from the rest.

Because of this misconception, everyone thinks Piers is a weak gym leader, but that could not be further from the truth. He is probably stronger than the champion's rival, Raihan, or even the champion himself without any unnecessary power-ups. And that type of ignorance has always infuriated me.

So I know what I must do. I will show everyone how interesting can a traditional Pokemon battle be and I'll do it by defeating the Champion without Dynamax. That way, Piers will get the recognition that he rightfully deserves, and Spikemuth will escape the fate of becoming a ghost town.

I'll make sure that happens no matter what.


A sudden noise interrupted my thoughts. I recognise the sound anywhere. It was the sound of an empty stomach.

"You are hungry already, Morpeko?"

"Mor! Peko! Peko!"

Well, I guess after that gym battle, you would want to recover some energy.

I looked inside my backpack for food. Morpeko has this habit of getting really upset when she gets too hungry.

"We are out of your favourite food Morpeko, unfortunately, so you will have to wait in your Pokeball until we get to buy some more."

Every time I denied her something, Morpeko will get all puppy-eyed, and this is no exception either. It hurts me to see her sad since she and Piers are the only family I have and the only people I can trust.

I have never been a very social person. Not in a shy type of way, but I don't like to get emotionally close to other people immediately.

My lack of trust isn't the problem, though that's a contributing factor since we never know how someone is on the inside after all.

But because intimacy only leaves you vulnerable. The more things you are attached to, the greater will be the pain when you lose them. The only ones that I allowed to be close to me are my brother Piers and Morpeko.

They are the only ones I have ever genuinely opened up to; they are my only weak spot.

"Someone, please help!"

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