Y/n vs Leon

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Author: hello everyone. I decided to make some minor changes on how I write the story. More specifically, in what the characters are saying.

From now on I'll write everything a character says something like this:


This is to make a bit easier for me to get done with a chapter. That's all thanks.


The clock marks one-o-clock in the morning. The night is dark yet calm at the same time. And everyone was already asleep.

As well as Eevee and Caterpie who are cuddling each other on the sofa.

But you, on the other hand, can't stop thinking about what happened during the day nor how will your family react when they see you back.

You can't stop thinking about what it could have been. If there was another way... just maybe.

"I just wish... that at least I got to battle at least once."









It's finally morning, Eevee is running around the room with her new best friend Caterpie causing a lot of noise which caused you to wake up.

"well... Good morning."

Eevee notices that you are awake and rushes to say hi to you.

"Ee~ Eevee~"

She jumps out on the bed a starts licking your face and snuggle with each other.

"Hey! Stop that! Haha I'm already awake"

You stretch your arms as you sit up to pat Eevee on the head. You look outside the window and instead of seeing a bright shining sun, you are greeted with a grey sky with strong winds that shook trees with great force.

Maybe leaving at this time is not a good idea. Is already dangerous enough with those wild Pokemon in the wild area.


Then you hear a rumbling sound. At first, you thought it was a thunderstorm approaching but it was Eevee's tummy asking for food.

"There there. Let's get you something to eat."

Eevee bounces on the bed cheerfully when you say that.

"Oh, that's right, and how about you Caterpie?"

You look down at the small caterpillar which only has a confused look on its face. Not surprising, since you just caught it while it was trying to run away from you. It has not enough time to meet you.

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