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The Pokemon Centre's sweet melody plays in the background as Nurse Joy helps restore Morpeko back to health.

"Here, Morpeko is all better now."

Says Nurse Joy as she hands over the little yellow rodent back to Marnie.

"Thanks for your help."

Marnie bowed her head in gratitude, a gesture that threw Nurse Joy a bit out of the loop since she did not expect such politeness from such a tough-looking girl like her.

"No need to be so polite; it's our job to give medical attention to whoever needs it."

"Chansey! Chansey!"

Nurse Joy heard the calling of her assistant Chansey happily skipping on the corridor while a shy (Y/n) followed behind.

"Oh! Speaking of which, I can see that your friend is also back to health." Nurse Joy said happily.

Nurse Joy confuses you and her as friends; even though you are still a stranger to Marnie, it would get confusing if she told nurse Joy that, so she did not bother correcting her.

"Thank you, Chansey. I'm feeling better now."


You reassure Chansey that she shouldn't be concerned about you anymore, so she returns to work at the nursery.

It turns out that after passing out, Marnie took it upon herself to call emergencies, who came immediately and transported you to the Pokemon center.

An act of compassion that makes you feel embarrassed to face Marnie because of making her go through all that trouble for someone she just met.

So when you get together again, you are so embarrassed and can barely think straight.

"I see you are awake. Thank goodness"

Luckily for you, she is the one to break the silence.

You try to make an attempt to appear calm and collected in response.

"hehe, yeah. That was a long nap I had..."

It doesn't work, though, and you only end up making things more awkward for yourself, so you decide to revert to being more sincere.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done. I don't know what came over me. And I'm very sorry about causing so much trouble! " Thinking you did something wrong. You apologize to Marnie for all the inconvenience that you caused.

"Hey, Please raise your head. There is no need to apologize."

Marnie wants you to know there is nothing to apologize for, even though you scared her for a second. She couldn't just leave an unconscious boy on the ground, but also she did it because she felt like she owed it to you. After all, you did manage to help her get her Morpeko back.

"Nurse Joy is the one you should be thanking, actually. She is the one to do all the work on getting you back on your feet."

Marnie says, trying not to get all the credit.

"Don't worry; the Pokemon Center looks after both Pokemon and trainers! Even if it is mostly Pokemon. Also, having a human patient for a change of pace was quite the refreshing experience."

Nurse Joy says happily, even though it wasn't anything serious, to which you respond with a more cheerful smile.

Knowing that Marnie did not resent you in any way made you feel much better.

That Lovely Smile(Marnie x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now