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Edit: Hey guys! The author here, I just wanted to say that I have re-updated this chapter since I wasn't so proud of how it turned out. Don't worry; I did not change much; I just added more dialogue and fixed a few grammatical errors. 

However, I reckoned something important in the story: the final result at the end of the battle. The main reason is that I was not okay with the main character (you) not losing enough. Also, it would make his future battles more satisfying. It makes things more interesting.

So thank you for reading, and sorry for my terrible writing.

After the Opening Ceremony gets to a close, Gloria and you began with your adventure across the Galar region.

This time you are on your way to the first gym located in the quiet and peaceful city of Turffield...On foot... At noon.

"Can you remind me... Why you thought... It was a good idea to walk hundreds of miles... Across the entire region... Instead of taking a flying Taxi!?"

You say to Gloria while trying to catch your breath while Eevee struggles to keep on hanging on to your shoulder.

"The best way to fully experience what it is like to be a Pokemon trainer is to go where the Pokemon are! Hidden in the tall grass scattered throughout the routes of Galar... also, I don't have enough money for a flying taxi."

As you keep walking your stomach makes a rumbling sound.

"Geez, all this walking is making me hungry... Why didn't I take any food with us before leaving home?"


And to make matters worse, you both are now starving.

"Don't worry! I have some food with me!"

Both you and Eevee get excited about it and get a gleam on your eyes.

"I always make sure to have these croquettes with me. Sobble loves them."

She takes out a bag of croquettes and hands it to you.

"Great! You are a lifesaver."

You give a handful to your Eevee and gets a big smile across her face looking just as happy as a Munchlax.

Oh! They look delicious. Eevee looks so happy. Let me try some of them too.

You grab a handful of in your mouth but they do not taste as to how you expect it.

"Hmmm, they taste kind of weird."

"What's that now?" Gloria turns around and saw what were you eating. "Wait! I forgot to mention, those are only for Pokemon!"




"Oh?...UGH!! BLECH!!"

"I'm so sorry! I should have warned you before."

This girl is going to be the death of me.

You think as you regret all of your life decisions.










You keep going on for so long that your Eevee starts to get tired. She starts bobbing her head back and forth and almost falls off your shoulder.

That Lovely Smile(Marnie x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now